The Public Library is meant as a resource for SuperCollider classes that are too special or too experimental to be part of the distribution. Usually these classes come with some pieces, examples or help files which work only after adding the classes to the SCClassLibrary folder and recompile (cmd-k)
For code that doesn't need any class extensions, use Code Pool
- Public Library SC2 this is the resources for sc2, some of which would still need to be ported to sc3.
- Some Classes for Linux
Experimental HTML Help Files: Help.tar.gz
Browse them
UGen plugins (linkpage)
Synthesis Techniques:
Pattern and Stream classes:
- Pbit / Pfbit bitvalue pattern
- Ptur turing machine pattern similar to Pdfsm
- MarkovSet
- patterns as instruments for granular pattern instruments
- patterns for sending midi output
- using Instr as templates for SynthDefs that can be used in Patterns
- Pca cellular automata
- grouping patterns
- Panning Library
- LoopBuf
- Pan1 Mono Panner
- JoyGen gamestick unit generator
- Delta single sample output at sample offset
- MIDIControl MIDI Control Input UGen (osx)
- Munger granular synthesis UGen
Language extension:
Network stuff:
- Client
- EnsembleConductor/EnsemblePlayer for forming small scale SC ensembles online
- NetLib
- Stethoscope (part of common lib now)
ext. Control:
- MidiSlider – Automatically assigns the next slider. Nice if your working with lots of patches or multiple copys of the same patch. (5/28/03) Bug fixes
- MIDISyncClock – Rudimentary functionality to slave sc to an external MIDI clock.
- :CueCat barcode scanner decoder(ext link)
- CountMeIn - launches a task at a time & tempo derived from listening to the audio (e.g. mic) input
- sc.ctl – minimalist controller abstraction
- MIDIFile, reading midifiles format 0,1
- rendering score files, a suggestion of making NRT stuff easier
- DebugNetAddr
- sc.ssc – s-expression reader for sclang
- - a file-browser with a search function for finding files and folders.
- honk – a tiny extension allowing integration with the OSX unix alert utility BigHonkingText.
- ArdourControl, controlling the Ardour DAW with SuperCollider
- Vector
- a referential system
- Rational – a way to do math on floats so that they will be displayed as rational fractions when possible
- statistics – some statistics methods.
- Lazy Lindenmayer
- boolean networks
- Code Pool
- scogl (link broken?) opengl bindings for sc lang
- Pen extensions
- – UGen Graph Drawing (via dot)
- SwingOSC – alternative GUI library that is cross-platform
- CrossPlatformGui example package, should move into Sc3 main distro:
- Projet RobotMusique
- dewdrop_lib
- bbcut (ext link)
- crucial library (ext link)
- Just In Time Programming
- Script/Lilt:
Classes removed fom the cvs (added here for backward compatibility)
other public libraries:
- Lance J. Putnam's extensions
- joshua parmenter's UGens, classes and sample code
- Till Bovermanns code page
- Thomas Hermanns OctaveSC