Common Library Extensions for SC 2.
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Public Library for SC3
Other class extension libraries
Family Trees
The order of compilation in sc is sometimes source of errors.
Ther best way to avoid this is to put a folder AAALib in the DefaultLibrary,
that contains all classes / aliases to classes.
if no other version is mentioned, the code is written for sc2
Pattern classes:
- Pbit / Pfbit bitvalue pattern
- Pmemo relate to last event
- Pfbind: a modified FilterPattern
- Pboolnet Boolean Network pattern
- Pdict
- Pseed (sc3d)
- Parcel (SC3d) (sc 3d, sc3)
- Ppat
- Stochastic Toolkit: A set of patterns that produce different kinds of randomly distributed data, by Garry Kling.
- ArrayNDPattern pattern operating on N-dimensional arrays
- MarkovSet
- ProteinBioSynthesis (old), a class for translating genome files into patterns.
- parsing text files
- parsing bitmap images
- Panning Library
- KeyToDegree
- Nick Collins Reverb and BreakBeat Classes here
- InOut - some simple multichannel audio distribution classes (sc2)
- Random LFOs - some wrappers for LFNoises (sc2)
- ExpBuffer
- GUI Classes (sc3d)
- PresetButtonViews, some buttons to preset ControlViews
- AlarmClock.hqx (sc2, if you really need one)
- FunctionTool (sc2)
- basic stereo input level meters (sc2)
- A signal editor
Utility Classes:
- Switch
- Tree a MultiLevelDictionary, like Library
- Sampling
- Class System Documentation Generator (sc3d)
- ArrayND, a multidimensional approach
- MIDIFile, reading midifiles
- Wavesets, a class for Waveset synthesis
- SCLibrary by Ron Kuivila (sc2)
- crucial library (ext link)
- A FloatArray2D class and a third version of the Ant Tutorial for SC3d: Ants
- Turtle (a basic turtle implementation for sc3d)
- Missing File (/MusicTechnology/uploads/ a contribution for the SoundFilePlayer framework: see also crucial library.
- Cellular Automata(sc3d)
- Just In Time Programming (SC 2 version, mac os 9) (sc2)
Extensions to Common Classes (SC3d only):
- (SC3d5)
- stream Patterns as compileString
- Soft Indexing
- Randomizing Methods allowing different random distributions
Markus Gälli has written a squeak client to interface with sc using osc.
he provides the sources at his homepage: (in german)
A language module for syntax highlighting SuperCollider code in BBEdit: BBSCModule
Test Patches, things that are not ready, but do work to a degree.
