- http://www.music.princeton.edu/paul/stkugens.tar.gz Perry Cook's STK (physical modeling) ported to SC by Paul Lansky and Christian Hresko
- http://www.realizedsound.net/downloads Joshua Parmenter's Ugens for using files created with Juan Pampin's ATS - Analysis, Transformation, Synthesis, as well as Warp, LPC and Ambisonics. Plus, various reverbs, classes, GUI tools (Knob) and other downloads by Josh and Blackrain.
- http://wiki.sampleandhold.org/index.php?n=Main.JTUgens MIDIInControl, HIDControl and others
- http://www.informatics.sussex.ac.uk/users/nc81/code.php cross-platform Machine Listening plugins; many new synthesis UGens and quirky processing units in the SLUGens set.
- http://wiki.sampleandhold.org/index.php/JTUgens Jan Trutzschler UGens; MIDICtl; HIDCtl; Collection of Osc's
- http://sonenvir.at/downloads/sc3/ambiem Ambisonic UGens by the Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics in Graz (IEM)
- http://blackrain.spymac.com/sc3/ filter ugen macros by Joshua Parmenter and blackrain
- http://www.bhobrainey.net/bhobUGens.zip various UGens by Bhob Rainey
- http://mcld.co.uk/supercollider/ some UGens by Dan Stowell, including some extra chaos UGens (the Rossler attractor and some Finco/Sprott attractors) and frequency-domain analysis (spectral flatness, spectral centroid, etc)
- WiiMote Library by Pete Moss
- http://membres.lycos.fr/herveprovini/programmation.html?#Plugins_SC3 Hervé Provini's UGen plugins including chaos, neuron, genetic algorithm
- http://www.fredrikolofsson.com/pages/code-sc.html emulated sound chip UGens among other things.
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