// cellular automatas redFrik 050612 Pca1 : ListPattern { //1 dimensional var <>rule, <>generation, <>offset, dict; *new {|list, rule= 30, generation= 0, repeats= inf, offset= 0| ^super.new(list, repeats).rule_(rule).generation_(generation).offset_(offset); } storeArgs { ^[list, rule, generation, repeats, offset]; } embedInStream { var localList; dict= (); 8.do{|i| dict.put(i.asBinaryDigits(3).join.asSymbol, rule.asBinaryDigits[7-i])}; localList= list.copy.shift(0-offset); generation.do{|i| localList= this.prNext(localList)}; repeats.do{ localList.do{|cell| cell.yield}; localList= this.prNext(localList); }; } //--private prNext {|argList| ^[0]++argList.slide(3, 1).clump(3).collect{|cell| dict[cell.join.asSymbol]; }++[0]; } } /* //simple post example ( var list, ca, cell, str= "", i= 0; list= Array.fill(64, 0).put(32, 1); //set initial pattern ca= Pca1(list, 90, 0, 32).asStream; //rule90 with 32 repetitions while({(cell= ca.next).notNil}, { str= str++" *"[cell]; if(i%list.size==(list.size-1), {str.postln; str= ""}); i= i+1; }); ) //scroll through all 256 rules ( var list, doc; list= Array.fill(100, 0).put(50, 1); doc= Document("Pca1 test scroll all"); doc.bounds_(Rect(60, 35, 700, 700)); AppClock.play( Routine{ 256.do{|i| var ca, str; ca= Pca1(list, i).asStream; str= ""; (50*list.size).do{|i| str= str++" *"[ca.next]; if(i%list.size==(list.size-1), {str= str++"\n"}); }; doc.string_(str); 0.05.wait; }; }; ); ) //slowly from chaos to order ( s.waitForBoot{ SynthDef("catest", {|out= 0, freq= 400, dur= 0.1, amp= 0.5| var e, z; e= EnvGen.kr(Env.perc(0.01, dur), doneAction: 2); z= SinOsc.ar(freq.dup, 0, amp); Out.ar(0, z*e); }).send(s); }; ) ( var list, doc, ca, fre; list= Array.fill(31, {2.rand}).postln; //random pattern as init doc= Document("Pca1 test with sound"); ca= Pca1(list, 30).asStream; //use rule30 fre= Pseq(([60, 72]).midicps, inf).asStream; AppClock.play(Routine{ var cell, i= 0; while({(cell= ca.next).notNil}, { if(cell==1, {s.sendMsg(\s_new, "catest", -1, 0, 0, \freq, fre.next, \dur, 0.1)}); doc.string_(doc.string++" *"[cell]); if(i%list.size==(list.size-1), {doc.string_(doc.string++"\n"); fre.reset;}); 0.05.wait; i= i+1; }); }); ) //pen example ( var w, run= true, list, ca, cell, i= 0, x, y, width= 300, height= 150, scale= 2; w= GUI.window.new("Pca1 pen example", Rect(100, 100, width*scale, height*scale), false); w.view.background= Color.white; w.onClose_({run= false}); list= Array.fill(width, 0).put(width/2, 1); //random pattern as init ca= Pca1(list, 181).asStream; //use rule90 w.drawHook= { (width*height).do{|i| cell= ca.next; if(cell==1, { x= i%width*scale; y= i.div(width)*scale; GUI.pen.fillRect(Rect(x, y, scale, scale)); }); i= i+1; }; }; w.front; ) */