[sc info]
sc on sourceforge: http://sourceforge.net/projects/supercollider
OSX: Downloading and compiling the SuperCollider 3 sources (os x)
Linux: Compiling SuperCollider 3 on a Linux system (now with Portaudio)
GTK and SCnascent Phosphor - Graphics Server
what can be contributed
- Contributing sourcecode to SuperCollider 3
- writing helpfiles for sc3
- Code Pool and Public Library for sharing patches and class libraries
- how to contribute to this swiki
- copyleft info and links
- network time
- system resources relevant to sc development
- source code hacking: related links
- the sc server node system (charts)
- quick guide to the sc server source code
- some sc 3 classes
- sendOSC to control scserver from terminal
- Developing Phosphor help develop the nascent graphics server
- David Mazières Rant on C++'s operator new: constructors and memory allocation in c++ and ansi c
some code
- rk extensions.dmg / rk extensions.dmg.sit This library provides hierarchical control for ServerNodes, patterns and routines. Updated 25.11.02. Now has gui generation and myriad other improvements.(this is decrepated now probably)
SuperCollider3 to do list
SuperCollider3 suggestions
❝ the Engine [the difference engine] might compose elaborate and scientific pieces of music of any degree of complexity or extent.❝ (Ada Lovelace, 1843)