this is an abstraction layer to allow to use granular synthesis instruments with Patterns on the same level like synthdefs. [jrh]
it is not a class anymore, as this is not needed anymore.
Note JITLib now supports a variant of this scheme. see recursive_phrasing helpfile in JITLib help.
download: granular_instrument_scheme.rtf
( e = Event.parentEvents.noteEvent.copy; e[\prPlay] = e[\play]; e.putAll(( global: (), play: { var pat, sustain; ~finish.value; sustain = ~sustain.value; pat = ~global.at(~instrument); pat = pat.valueEnvir; if(pat.notNil) { if(pat.isSequenceableCollection) { pat.do { arg each; Pfindur(sustain, each).play(quant:0) } } { Pfindur(sustain, pat).play(quant:0) } } { ~prPlay.value; } } )) ) // granular synthesis instruments with Pattern player ( s.boot; SynthDescLib.read; e.global[\a] = Pbind(\degree, Pseq(#[6, 7, 4, 5]), \dur, 0.32, \instrument, \singlegrain); ) ( SynthDef("singlegrain", { arg out = 0, freq=800, sustain=0.001, amp=0.5, pan = 0; var window; window = Env.sine(sustain, amp); Out.ar(out, Pan2.ar( SinOsc.ar(freq), pan ) * EnvGen.ar(window, doneAction:2) ) } ).store; ) ( Pbind( \parent, e, \instrument, Pseq(#[\a, \singlegrain],inf), \freq, 550, \dur, 0.5, \legato, Pseq(#[0.5, 1, 3],inf), \addme, Pseq(#[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1.3], inf) ).play; ) // add different synth functions ( e.global[\a] = Pbind(\degree, Pseq(#[6, 7, 4, 5]), \dur, 0.132, \instrument, \singlegrain); ) ( e.global[\a] = { arg addme=0; Pbind(\degree, Pseq(#[6, 7, 4, 5] + addme, 3), \dur, 0.05, \instrument, \singlegrain) }; ) ( e.global[\a] = { arg addme=0; Array.fill(3, { Pbind( \degree, Pseq(#[6, 7, 4, 5] + addme), \dur, 0.05 + 0.02.rand, \gtranspose, 8.rand, \instrument, \singlegrain ) }) }; )