Test Patches
This is a place for code that is not very sure to work,
work in progress, call for testing etc..
OSCArea, a test version of a multiple networked mice UI.(out of order, waiting for SC3 udp support)
Context Menue allows to get a context menue on cmd-click on a view (SC3)
Pexp exponential growth/decay (already present - Pgeom, so this is useless)
Links to this Page
- Public Library 3 last edited on 27 October 2006 at 9:41 pm by host81-159-217-15.range81-159.btcentralplus.com
- Code Pool SC2 last edited on 5 April 2004 at 3:07 pm by max2-037.dialin.uni-hamburg.de
- enter. last edited on 29 January 2003 at 10:46 pm by
- Public Library SC2 last edited on 2 March 2005 at 2:20 pm by max2-223.dialin.uni-hamburg.de