"Practical application is found by not looking for it, and one can say that the whole progress of civilization rests on that principle." Jacques Hadamard, 1972.
specific related topics
Introductory Tutorials
- SC Public Documentation Pages
- How-to (redirected)
- course materials from the dsp super school 2004
- F.Olofsson and N. Collin's Tutorials
- Cottle examples
- the pseudonym tutorial (unfinished)
- the agnula tutorial
Tutorials on selected Topics
- Writing PlugIns for SC
- How to write Classes
- Understanding Assignment
- using Noise (SC3d5) UGens
- Pattern Examples (SC2)
- what is fold?
- yield vs. embedInStream
- using dictionaries as inheritance structues
- A few notes on Routines
- composing saw, pulse and triangle waves by adding sine waves
- James McCartney's Paper on SuperCollider 3 at ICMC 2000: Missing File (/MusicTechnology/uploads/SC3ICMC2000.pdf)
- Vocoders and Vocoder-Derivatives with SuperCollider by Gary Morrison
- special syntax (reserved words etc.)
- all primitive Names
- the collection pdf by scott wilson and other things (download)
- Discrete vs. Continuous Evaluation
- Strings and Streams and Post
- Customizing your Default Library (basics)
- Separation of Data and GUI in SC3dev
- side effect
- sc programming 'styles'
- scales
- Finite State Machines
- L-Systems in SC
- aroh/avaroh scale system in indian classical music
- Modeling Physical Phaenomena
- predicting series
- convolution of signals
- issues around numbers
- latency jerkiness
- is this quine a cheat?
- boolean operations on signals or numbers
- creating an arbitrary random distribution
- Avoiding blowups
Standards and Proposals
- Triggering Sound Events (SC2)
- SC2 Course Materials from University of Utah (Formerly used at BYU)
❝In theory there is no difference between theory and practice - in practice there isn't.❝