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The SuperCollider Home Page : http://www.audiosynth.com
SuperCollider developers list:
SuperCollider users list:
search the SuperCollider list archives
- New SC forum
- Electronic Life // this forum is offline, was hacked
- Owain Rich's hotline server for chatting and code sharing: hotline://guest:guest@
- see Theory page for tutorials
- Some resources (code, documentation) mantained at CIRMA, University of Torino, by Andrea Valle: http://www.cirma.unito.it/andrea/sc.html
- New Japanese site (CodePool, Forum, wiki, list, etc ...) :http://supercollider.jp/
- The Unofficial/I SuperCollider IHome Page/I:http://gigue.peabody.jhu.edu/~ich/sc/" maintained byIchiro Fujinagaat the Computer Music Department of the Peabody Conservatory of Music, Baltimore.
- The Steven Travis Pope Homepage-TheSynthesis Theory Course of fall 1998byIchiro Fujinagaat Peabody
- some valuable class extensions and a nice site:http://crucial-systems.com-Lee Azzarello has a hotline server for sharing code (SC/MAX) Lee Azzarello:lee@eds.orghttp://fallingforward.net-Nick Collinshttp://www.cus.cam.ac.uk/~nc272/code.html(bbcut, interactive evolution, reverb and tutorials)
- Department of Music Central Washington University:http://www.cwu.edu/~compcomp/-Professor Nathan Phillips, Keio Univeristy:http://www.sfc.keio.ac.jp/~nathan/-Synthesis Theory at Peabody:http://gigue.peabody.jhu.edu/~ich/classes/synth/-Electronic (Experimental) Music Studio, BYU:http://www.byu.edu/music/labs/ems/-Dartmouth College:http://eamusic.dartmouth.edu/~cc12//http://eamusic.dartmouth.edu/(Main Page), Larry Polansky SC2 Examples:http://music.dartmouth.edu/~cc12/code.list.html-Illposed Softwareby c.ramakrishnan
- SuperCollider Working Group at Princeton Univ.http://music.princeton.edu/~newton/group/by Newton Armstrong
- tutorial files by Nick Collins and Fredrik Olofssonhttp://www.informal.org/SSG/-SuperCollider Socks :http://www.iamas.ac.jp/?tn800/sc/mania.html-Tom Gersichttp://gersic.com/static.php?page=static041210-001337 (Max<->SC3 via OSC, some code examples)
- http://www.xs4all.nl/~schreck/html/pat.htmlSeveral SC2 patches used through the years by the Schreck Ensemble during concerts. Also several Csound and Max patches.
- Bradford Garton's page:http://music.columbia.edu/~brad/!related to old versions of SuperCollider:
- An old SuperCollider FAQ at:http://www.hyperweb.comSuperCollider/-The SuperCollider (Version 1>SC1) tutorial. This version is in many ways different from version 2/3 and is interesting maybe from a historical point of view.http://www.create.ucsb.edu/htmls/sc.book.html