anything unclear? feel free to asksee also scwiki FAQ
The nice thing about the swiki pages is that you can contribute easily, using plain text,
with some simple optional formatting rules, or alternatively html code.
Everything can be undone and page titles can be changed anytime without messing up the link system.
The good thing is that there are only few possible mistakes,
almost all of which are summarized below under Problems.
you can:
- write text / code directly into an existing page (if you contribute code, use <code> and </code> around that text or use the template for code)
- create a new page and write into that one
- upload a supercollider file or an html page and just create a link shortcut to it (for sc files add .txt to the name, so they can be viewed in the browser)
- upload an archive, images, sounds etc.
- create a link to your own server or other links of interest
- if you have contributed something, you can
- add a link to recent contributions, so one easily knows that there is something new
- add your name to the contacts page, or create a page for yourself to link to
for the login and password, check out the supercollider help files ("more on help")
[easy start (redirected) | how to put up files ]
- There is also a Sandbox for playing around with the syntax.
- code template: codepage testpage test
- wie verlinke ich richtig?
- copyleft
- for a reference to the formatting rules, just open the help guide in an extra window.
- to start a new page, just put the new name between * and *, save, and then yourpagename[create] will appear.
- for contributing code, just paste your text into the editing window and insert <code> before and </code> after it, so it will be distinguished from normal text. Now you can also choose the code template when creating a page. Tip: if you are used to the sc-typical Monaco font, set your browser standard font to Monaco size 9
- to make a link to any other page on the web, just put it between stars. (often coy and paste from creates an empty space before the http://, which you have to remove.
- you can insert an anchor before any text using @someWord on the beginning of the line and put the anchor *someWord@thePageName* where you want to link from, when you want to mention another place on this swiki.
- file upload: just hit upload and you can choose whether to upload to the whole swiki or just to the page. Normally it is better to upload just to the page unless you want the upload be directly accessible to all pages. -> see how to put up files
- Often it is good to first create a new page for the upload, so comments and further contributions have their dedicated place.
- make sure that the file name of the upladed file doesn't contain empty spaces, underscores or special characters, otherwise it'll be hard to reference them later. It is recommended to tar the files.
See the help for further details.
Warning: Make sure when using Netscape to save your change before you resize your window, otherwise the page will be reloaded and your text is problem is often that certain characters are interpreted as formatting tags. this is specially relevant for *, > and <. Use the html equivalents for these characters if you want them to o appear on the page. Alternatively,
< for < (less than) > for > (greater than) ☆ for * &at; for @ & for &
also it is possible to use SimpleText2Html, it is shareware,
then you can just paste the resulting code into the edit window or upload it to the swiki as a file.
( which is easy, looks good, but is hard to edit for others as it is in html )
SimpletextToHtml has a little bug though, it sets the font size in pt, which should be px, so this has to be changed in a text editor in case.
an example