[SuperCollider3 suggestions]
- Beef up the internal server version... add signal views (maybe a BufferView) scopes etc, also have loading a buffer return the size and number of channels.
- make functional the boxes and wires max/PD example with menus and patch loading etc...
- see Jan Trutschler's EnvelopeView examples
- If someone could build a multitrack waveform editor (with grid option). And to be able to make selections of the waveforms and assign those selections to buses (effects).. oh man, that'd be great.
IMO, a completely unforgettable envelope editor should offer these features:
1 ability to add and delete breakpoints
2 ability to define and display the curve shape of each segment
3 ability to export the breakpoints values either to the console or to the clipboard, in such a format they can be pasted directly into an EnvGen.
- more tutorials.for alpha man.
- documentation