Code Pool SC2
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walk in the snow
Sonification of the Cantor Set
Gabun/Bavaria SC2 dual fundamental harmonics scale examples
radio talk
scale economies
time slot walks under mouse control
animal sounds
Multichannel Panning Examples
sliding loops
Kinderstuck (variations on Webern's Kinderstuck, real time substitution of row versions, DC)
holding myself, not to cry
Hommage à Audiomulch wavetables as control mechanism
MIDI In Channelscanner SC2
Lissajou Knots
in the sink frequency modulated filters
barpiano jam
irish birds faint impression of foggy tunes
order now

code that needs extra class libraries:
Cellular Automata (sc3d)
floatAt it soft indexing examples
Just Walk to Africa #2 (generative mix of concrete and synthesized patches, DC, sc2)
time table sonification (sc2)
PV Ugen exploration (sc3d)
Auto Karaoke granulation and playback
random seeds examples for SC3d
// bubbles analog
f = midicps(kr(LFSaw, 0.4, 24, kr(LFSaw, [8,7.23], 3, 80))); // glissando function
ar(CombN, ar(SinOsc, f, 0, 0.04), 0.2, 0.2, 4) // echoing sine wave
Links to this Page
- enter. last edited on 29 January 2003 at 10:46 pm by
- SCPlay last edited on 21 January 2003 at 6:05 pm by josephine.hfbk.org
- how to upload files last edited on 6 August 2006 at 11:15 am by Q197c.q.pppool.de
- how to put up files last edited on 6 August 2006 at 11:15 am by Q197c.q.pppool.de
- Code Pool last edited on 12 May 2013 at 11:30 pm by g225142013.adsl.alicedsl.de