
Sonification of Genetic Data
For more information and some of the sources, see: Sonifying Protein Bio Synthesis
download (full version 0.3) download only the library (for SCPlay2.2.11, n.a.right now).
Note that this is an OS9 program, not yet ported to OSX.
myRibosome is a software to analyse genetic data and convert it to
musical parameters. This application acts like a ribosome in a cell
that translates the bases of the incoming mRNA into aminoacids that form
the components of the folded protein chains.

how to use myRibosome
this software is free, with no warranty.
Known Problems:
a memory error occurs when a system extension called "USB Floppy Enabler" is active.
tested on MacOs 8.6 - 9.1
G3 upwards
New features (0.3):
- cheat keys for appearance and scale editing
- adjustable drum section
- longer sliders
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