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synthesis oracle = oracle synthesis

the rules:


if you use the below code you are obliged to publish your solution under the condition of beauty and highscore:
commit here: Oracle TOPSCORE

o = { |nUgens=2, nUn=2, nBin=2, nInt=2, nFloat=2|
	var ugens, unaries, binaries, oracle;
	ugens = UGen.allSubclasses.reject({ |cl| 
				// filter unusable UGen classes
		(cl.superclasses ++ cl).includesAny(
			[ BufInfoUGenBase, InfoUGenBase ]

	unaries = { |l|

	binaries = { |l|

	oracle = 
                ({ ugens.choose } ! nUgens)
	++	({ unaries.choose } ! nUn)
	++	({ binaries.choose } ! nBin)
	++	({ 512.rand2 } ! nInt)
	++	({ [1.0, pi, 20000.0].choose.rand2.round(0.001) } ! nFloat);
       // oracle.asString.drop(1).drop(-1).reject(_ == $,).postcs


code tester:

evaluate this code, then evaluate your patch.
the first line in your patch should be the oracle list.
codeDump = Routine {
	var str, passed=true, rawScore, score, firstLine, linebr, n=0;
	var oracle;
	str = 1.yield;
	linebr = str.find("\n");
	while { linebr < 10 } { str = str[linebr+1..]; linebr = str.find("\n"); };
	firstLine = str[0..linebr];
	str = str[linebr+1..];
	rawScore = [];
	oracle = firstLine.reject("\n\t /".includes(_)).split($,) { arg xstr, i;
		var n;
		n = str.findAll(xstr);
		passed = passed and: { n.notNil };
		if(n.isNil) { (xstr + "is missing!!").postln };
		rawScore = rawScore ++ n;
	}; { arg char; if(char.isAlphaNum) { n = n + 1 } };
	score = log(exp(rawScore.size) / n.log);
	if(passed.not) { score = 0 };
	("your code has" ++ if(passed) { " " } { " not " } ++  "passed the test").postln;
	("SCORE:" + (score * 10000).trunc).postln;
	codeDump = nil;


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