General Bookmarks
also see:
Computer Acoustics Resources
Sound Software / Hardware
the techdoc swiki faq/info for systems and configuration
the technoterroristen swiki
installing mac os
Tinnitus information [d]
Random Number Generators
Squeak Links
cybergeography, visualizing the internet: http://www.cybergeography.org/
links for online scientific publication
The Social Navigation Swiki
broadcast and electronic media department
a dvd glossary: http://www.mhetherington.demon.co.uk/dvd/dvdglossary.htm
electronics and a lot more: http://www.epanorama.net/
constructivism ressources http://st.aemilian.tripod.com/LOGO/
some Mac OS X hacks: http:/techdoc/38
some wierd sound sites http://www.lo-res.org/
collections of Hello World Programs
How to shoot yourself in the foot
http://www.ctheory.com/ essays about media topics
Rudy Rucker
Esperanto FAQ
the expert
the most wellknown german html guide:
Arts and Science
Can Science Be Used To Further Our Understanding Of Art?
The Free Online Scholarship Newsletter
public library of science
3D links
some film theory links
media arts:
"a web site devoted to young women in high school and college who are interested in music and art, whether it be
choral or instrumental, pottery or drawing, and who also like math, science, and computers."
sound art:
"One of the first ambient and industrial music labels. They have re-released some of the defunct Rough Trade catalog. Located in Belgium."
"official website for computer musician kiku hibino also known as oto. sub rosa artist. "
This place here:
Some other swikis on this site.
Institut für Telenautik: an experimental internet radio station
Garage: an experimental media lab (swiki:Institut)
Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg
His Master's Voice
voice over at gatech
magnetic liquids
low latency audio information pages
Midi and Softsynths Howto

Links to this Page
- Computer Acoustics Resources last edited on 27 November 2004 at 7:39 pm by max2-162.dialin.uni-hamburg.de
- enter. last edited on 29 January 2003 at 10:46 pm by