OSC-based controller interfaces
see: Open Sound Control
Lemur, a remote, touch-screen-based interface that works with OSC
prototype for a spatializing interface:
other input devices
MIDI and Sensors
Sound Induction - Piezos etc.
bioacoustics hardware recommendations
an overview of music interfaces: http://www.media.mit.edu/~joep/SpectrumWeb/SpectrumX.html
advanced Toys
http://www.logiblocs.com/e-city.htm logiblocks are simple logic toy constructors
Programming IR Remote Controls
Hardware Related Software: Speaker testing etc. http://www.audiogrid.com/

Handheld / portable SuperCollider
Handheld Music Handhelds:
linux pda's:
g'mate yopi: http://yopydeveloper.org/english/index.htm
samsung yopi ( a copy? ) : http://www.gicom.com/yopy/
Zaurus by Sharp: http://developer.sharpsec.com/ | http://www.myzaurus.com/
a pocket calculator collection
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- Handheld Music last edited on 28 December 2007 at 4:59 pm by host86-159-105-219.range86-159.btcentralplus.com
- enter. last edited on 29 January 2003 at 10:46 pm by