Processing-Book-001 / Illustrations
( var w= Window("processing - page_022", Rect(100, 100, 713, 938), false); var u= UserView(w, Rect(0, 0, w.bounds.width, w.bounds.height)); var ydiv, s, x; u.background= Color.white; ydiv= u.bounds.height/54; u.drawFunc= { Pen.width= 0.25; Pen.fillColor=; 0.forBy(u.bounds.height, ydiv, {|y| 0.forBy(u.bounds.width, ydiv, {|x| Pen.addOval(Rect(x, y, 1, 1)); }); }); Pen.fill; s= ydiv*10; x= ydiv*28; Pen.fillOval(Rect.aboutPoint(Point(x, ydiv*12), s/2, s/2)); Pen.fillRect(Rect.aboutPoint(Point(x, ydiv*26), ydiv*12/2, ydiv*12/2)); Pen.fillColor= Color.white; Pen.fillOval(Rect.aboutPoint(Point(x, ydiv*26), s/2, s/2)); Pen.fillColor=; Pen.fillOval(Rect.aboutPoint(Point(x, ydiv*40), s*1.07/2, s*1.07/2)); Pen.fillColor= Color.white; Pen.fillRect(Rect.aboutPoint(Point(x, ydiv*40), s*0.7/2, s*0.7/2)); }; w.front; ) ( var w= Window("processing - page_042", Rect(100, 100, 442, 550), false); var u= UserView(w, Rect(0, 0, w.bounds.width, w.bounds.height)); u.background= Color.white; u.drawFunc= { var x1= 0, x2= 0, x3= 0, x5= 0, x4= 0; Pen.setSmoothing(false); Pen.width= 0.25;{|i| Pen.line(Point(u.bounds.width-x2, u.bounds.height*0.0), Point(u.bounds.width-x2, u.bounds.height*0.2)); x2= x2+4.5; Pen.line(Point(u.bounds.width-x1, u.bounds.height*0.2), Point(u.bounds.width-x1, u.bounds.height*0.4)); x1= x1+9; Pen.line(Point(u.bounds.width-x3, u.bounds.height*0.4), Point(u.bounds.width-x3, u.bounds.height*0.6)); x3= x3+6.25; Pen.line(Point(u.bounds.width-x5, u.bounds.height*0.6), Point(u.bounds.width-x5, u.bounds.height*0.8)); x5= x5+3.125; Pen.line(Point(u.bounds.width-x4, u.bounds.height*0.8), Point(u.bounds.width-x4, u.bounds.height)); x4= x4+5.375; }; Pen.stroke; }; w.front; ) ( var w= Window("processing - page_060", Rect(100, 100, 180, 666), false); var u= UserView(w, Rect(0, 0, w.bounds.width, w.bounds.height)); u.background= Color.white; u.drawFunc= { Pen.setSmoothing(false); Pen.width= 0.25; 0.forBy(u.bounds.height, 5, {|y| 0.forBy(u.bounds.width, 5, {|x| if(x%20==0, { Pen.line(Point(x, y), Point(x-3, y-3)); }, { Pen.line(Point(x, y), Point(x-3, y+3)); }); }); }); Pen.stroke; }; w.front; ) ( var w= Window("processing - page_078", Rect(100, 100, 360, 550), false); var u= UserView(w, Rect(0, 0, w.bounds.width, w.bounds.height)); u.background= Color.white; u.drawFunc= { var ax= 0, ay= 0; Pen.setSmoothing(false); Pen.strokeColor=; (2..35).do{|e| 0.forBy(u.bounds.width, 2, {|x| var n= x.linlin(0, u.bounds.width, 0, 1); var y= 1-n.pow(e); y= y*u.bounds.height; if(x>0, { Pen.line(Point(ax, ay), Point(x, y)); }); ax= x; ay= y; }); }; Pen.stroke; }; w.front; ) ( var w= Window("processing - page_100", Rect(100, 100, 360, 666), false); var u= UserView(w, Rect(0, 0, w.bounds.width, w.bounds.height)); var s= Font("Helvetica", 34); //Ziggurat-HTF-Black u.background= Color.white; u.drawFunc= { var a= 37; Pen.fillColor= Color.grey(204/255); 20.forBy(u.bounds.height+38, 38, {|i| Pen.font= s.size_(34); Pen.stringAtPoint(a.asAscii.asString, Point(50, i-34)); Pen.font= s.size_(10); Pen.stringAtPoint(a.asString, Point(10, i-10-9)); a= a+1; }); 20.forBy(u.bounds.height+38, 38, {|i| Pen.font= s.size_(34); Pen.stringAtPoint(a.asAscii.asString, Point(170, i-34)); Pen.font= s.size_(10); Pen.stringAtPoint(a.asString, Point(130, i-10-9)); a= a+1; }); 20.forBy(u.bounds.height+38, 38, {|i| Pen.font= s.size_(34); Pen.stringAtPoint(a.asAscii.asString, Point(290, i-34)); Pen.font= s.size_(10); Pen.stringAtPoint(a.asString, Point(250, i-10-9)); a= a+1; }); }; w.front; ) ( var w= Window("processing - page_110", Rect(100, 100, 360, 550), false); var u= UserView(w, Rect(0, 0, w.bounds.width, w.bounds.height)); var s= Font("Helvetica", 460); //Ziggurat-HTF-Black u.background= Color.white; u.drawFunc= { Pen.fillColor= Color.grey(0, 50/255); Pen.font= s;{|i| Pen.stringAtPoint(i.asString, Point(u.bounds.width/2-120, u.bounds.height*0.98-(i*40)-460)); }; }; w.front; ) ( var w= Window("processing - page_136", Rect(100, 100, 360, 550), false); var u= UserView(w, Rect(0, 0, w.bounds.width, w.bounds.height)); u.background= Color.white; u.drawFunc= { Pen.setSmoothing(true); Pen.fillColor= Color.grey(0, 10/255); Pen.translate(33, 66);{|i| Pen.scale(1.02, 1.02); Pen.fillOval(Rect.aboutPoint(Point(25, 90), 200/2, 200/2)); }; }; w.front; ) ( var w= Window("processing - page_144", Rect(100, 100, 440, 666), false); var u= UserView(w, Rect(0, 0, w.bounds.width, w.bounds.height)); u.background= Color.white; u.drawFunc= { var scaleVal, angleInc, angle; Pen.setSmoothing(false); Pen.strokeColor=; Pen.width= 0.25; Pen.fillColor=; scaleVal= 16; angleInc= pi/24; angle= 0; 20.forBy(u.bounds.width-20-5, 5, {|offset| 0.forBy(u.bounds.height, 2, {|y| var x= offset+(sin(angle)*scaleVal); Pen.line(Point(x, y), Point(x+0.125, y+0.125)); angle= angle+angleInc; }); angle= angle+pi; }); Pen.stroke; }; w.front; ) ( var w= Window("processing - page_222", Rect(100, 100, 460, 225), false); var u= UserView(w, Rect(0, 0, w.bounds.width, w.bounds.height)); var s= Font("Helvetica", 50); //Ziggurat-HTF-Black u.background= Color.white; u.drawFunc= { var c1, c2, c3, c4; Pen.fillColor= Color.grey(204/255); Pen.font= s; c1= #[$1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $0, $-, $=]; c2= #[$Q, $W, $E, $R, $T, $Y, $U, $I, $O, $P, $[, $]]; c3= #[$A, $S, $D, $F, $G, $H, $J, $K, $L, $;]; c4= #[$Z, $X, $C, $V, $B, $N, $M, $,, $., $/]; Pen.strokeColor= Color.grey(204/255); Pen.width= 0.5; Pen.setSmoothing(false);{|c, i| Pen.stringAtPoint(c.asString, Point(20+(i*78)-12, 50-50)); if(i%2!=0, { Pen.line(Point(20+(i*39), 40), Point(20+(i*39), 20)); }); };{|c, i| Pen.stringAtPoint(c.asString, Point(46+(i*78)-12, 105-50)); if(i%2!=0, { Pen.line(Point(46+(i*39), 95), Point(46+(i*39), 75)); }); };{|c, i| Pen.stringAtPoint(c.asString, Point(65+(i*78)-12, 160-50)); if(i%2!=0, { Pen.line(Point(65+(i*39), 150), Point(65+(i*39), 130)); }); };{|c, i| Pen.stringAtPoint(c.asString, Point(90+(i*78)-12, 215-50)); if(i%2!=0, { Pen.line(Point(90+(i*39), 205), Point(90+(i*39), 185)); }); }; Pen.stroke; }; w.front; ) ( var w= Window("processing - page_228", Rect(100, 100, 360, 666), false); var u= UserView(w, Rect(0, 0, w.bounds.width, w.bounds.height)); var moveX= 0, moveY= 0, dragX= 0, dragY= 0, button= false; w.acceptsMouseOver= true; u.mouseOverAction= {|v, x, y| moveX= x; moveY= y; u.refresh; }; u.mouseMoveAction= {|v, x, y| dragX= x; dragY= y; u.refresh; }; u.background= Color.white; u.drawFunc= { Pen.strokeColor=; Pen.strokeOval(Rect.aboutPoint(Point(dragX, dragY), 200/2, 200/2)); Pen.fillColor= Color.grey(153/255); Pen.fillOval(Rect.aboutPoint(Point(moveX, moveY), 200/2, 200/2)); }; w.front; ) ( var w= Window("processing - page_254", Rect(100, 100, 442, 550), false); var u= UserView(w, Rect(0, 0, w.bounds.width, w.bounds.height)); var gx, gy, mx, my, drawCursor; w.acceptsMouseOver= true; gx= u.bounds.width; gy= u.bounds.height; mx= gx/2; my= gy/2; u.mouseOverAction= {|v, x, y| mx= x; my= y; u.refresh; }; u.background= Color.white; u.drawFunc= { var rot; Pen.strokeColor= Color.grey(0.2); 16.forBy(gx+2, 32, {|i| 11.forBy(gy, 30, {|j| rot= pi.neg/4+atan2(j-my, i-mx); drawCursor.value(i, j, 0.5, rot); }); }); }; drawCursor= {|x, y, myscale, myrot| Pen.use{ Pen.translate(x, y); Pen.rotate(myrot, 0, 0); Pen.scale(myscale, myscale); Pen.moveTo(Point(7, 21)); Pen.lineTo(Point(4, 13)); Pen.lineTo(Point(1, 16)); Pen.lineTo(Point(0, 16)); Pen.lineTo(Point(0, 0)); Pen.lineTo(Point(1, 0)); Pen.lineTo(Point(12, 11)); Pen.lineTo(Point(12, 12)); Pen.lineTo(Point(7, 12)); Pen.lineTo(Point(10, 20)); Pen.lineTo(Point(9, 21)); Pen.lineTo(Point(7, 21)); Pen.stroke; }; }; w.front; ) ( var w= Window("processing - page_278", Rect(100, 100, 750, 800), false); var u= UserView(w, Rect(0, 0, w.bounds.width, w.bounds.height)); var spot= { var radius= 15*2; ( \radius: radius, \x: radius.rrand(u.bounds.width-15), \y: radius.rrand(u.bounds.height-15), \speedX: 0.4.rrand(1), \speedY: 0.4.rrand(1), \directionX: 1, \directionY: -1, \init: {|envir| var r= 1.0.rand; if(r<0.25, { envir.directionX= 1; envir.directionY= 1; }, { if(r<0.5, { envir.directionX= -1; envir.directionY= 1; }, { if(r<0.75, { envir.directionX= 1; envir.directionY= -1; }, { envir.directionX= -1; envir.directionY= -1; }); }); }); }, \updateDisplay: {|envir| Pen.addOval(Rect(envir.x, envir.y, envir.radius, envir.radius)); envir.x= envir.x+(envir.speedX*envir.directionX); if(envir.x>(u.bounds.width-envir.radius) or:{envir.x<=0}, { envir.directionX= envir.directionX.neg; }); envir.y= envir.y+(envir.speedY*envir.directionY); if(envir.y>(u.bounds.height-envir.radius) or:{envir.y<=0}, { envir.directionY= envir.directionY.neg; }); } )}; var sps= spot.dup(36).do{|x| x.init}; thisThread.randSeed= 0; u.clearOnRefresh= false; u.drawFunc= { Pen.fillColor= Color.grey(1, 12/255); Pen.fillRect(u.bounds); Pen.fillColor=;{|sps| sps.updateDisplay; }; Pen.fill; }; Routine({while({w.isClosed.not}, {u.refresh; (1/25).wait})}).play(AppClock); w.front; ) ( var w= Window("processing - page_290", Rect(100, 100, 513, 462), false); var u= UserView(w, Rect(0, 0, w.bounds.width, w.bounds.height)); var inc= 0, tail; u.background= Color.white; u.drawFunc= { var angle; Pen.setSmoothing(true); Pen.strokeColor= Color.grey(0, 143/255); thisThread.randSeed= 0; inc= inc+0.01; angle= sin(inc)/10+(sin(inc*1.2)/20); -20.forBy(u.bounds.width+20, 20, {|i| tail.value(i, 100, 5.rrand(12), angle*1.0.rrand(1.3)); tail.value(i, 200, 5.rrand(12), angle.neg*1.0.rrand(1.3)); tail.value(i, 300, 5.rrand(12), angle*1.0.rrand(1.3)); tail.value(i, 400, 5.rrand(12), angle.neg*1.0.rrand(1.3)); }); }; tail= {|x, y, units, angle| Pen.use{ Pen.translate(x, y); units.forBy(0, -1, {|i| Pen.width= i/2; Pen.line(Point(0, 0), Point(0, -8)); Pen.translate(0, -8); Pen.rotate(angle); Pen.stroke; }); }; }; Routine({while({w.isClosed.not}, {u.refresh; (1/25).wait})}).play(AppClock); w.front; ) ( var w= Window("processing - page_300", Rect(100, 100, 180, 666), false); var u= UserView(w, Rect(0, 0, w.bounds.width, w.bounds.height)); var inc= 0, x= 0.dup(u.bounds.height), y= 0.dup(u.bounds.height), mx= 0, my= 0; var mouseX= 0, mouseY= 0; w.acceptsMouseOver= true; u.mouseOverAction= {|v, x, y| mouseX= x; mouseY= y; }; u.background= Color.white; u.drawFunc= { Pen.width= 0.25; y= y.rotate(1); my= my+(mouseX-my*0.1); y.put(0, my); Pen.use{ Pen.moveTo(Point(y[1], 0)); 2.forBy(y.size-1, 1, {|i| Pen.lineTo(Point(y[i], i)); }); Pen.stroke; }; x= x.rotate(1); x.put(0, mx); mx= mx+(mouseY-mx*0.1); Pen.use{ Pen.moveTo(Point(x[1]*u.bounds.width/u.bounds.height, 0)); 2.forBy(x.size-1, 1, {|i| Pen.lineTo(Point(x[i]*u.bounds.width/u.bounds.height, i)); }); Pen.stroke; }; }; Routine({while({w.isClosed.not}, {u.refresh; (1/25).wait})}).play(AppClock); w.front; ) ( var w= Window("processing - page_326", Rect(100, 100, 842, 550), false); var u= UserView(w, Rect(0, 0, w.bounds.width, w.bounds.height)); var f, s, angle= 0; s= "012345678901234567890123456789"; f= Font("Helvetica", 24); u.background= Color.white; u.drawFunc= { var cw= 0; Pen.fillColor= Color.grey(204/255); Pen.translate(10, 0); angle= angle+0.1;{|i| var c= sin(angle+(i/pi)); Pen.font= f.size_(c+1*18+6); Pen.stringAtPoint(s[i].asString, Point(cw, 60)); cw= cw+(f.size*0.667); }; cw= 0;{|i| var c= sin(angle+(pi/4/2)+(i/pi)); Pen.font= f.size_(c+1*18+6); Pen.stringAtPoint(s[i].asString, Point(cw, 120)); cw= cw+(f.size*0.667); }; cw= 0;{|i| var c= sin(angle+(pi/4)+(i/pi)); Pen.font= f.size_(c+1*18+6); Pen.stringAtPoint(s[i].asString, Point(cw, 180)); cw= cw+(f.size*0.667); }; cw= 0;{|i| var c= sin(angle+(pi/4+(pi/4/2))+(i/pi)); Pen.font= f.size_(c+1*18+6); Pen.stringAtPoint(s[i].asString, Point(cw, 240)); cw= cw+(f.size*0.667); }; cw= 0;{|i| var c= sin(angle+(pi/2)+(i/pi)); Pen.font= f.size_(c+1*18+6); Pen.stringAtPoint(s[i].asString, Point(cw, 300)); cw= cw+(f.size*0.667); }; cw= 0;{|i| var c= sin(angle+(pi/2+(pi/4/2))+(i/pi)); Pen.font= f.size_(c+1*18+6); Pen.stringAtPoint(s[i].asString, Point(cw, 360)); cw= cw+(f.size*0.667); }; cw= 0;{|i| var c= sin(angle+(pi/2+(pi/4))+(i/pi)); Pen.font= f.size_(c+1*18+6); Pen.stringAtPoint(s[i].asString, Point(cw, 420)); cw= cw+(f.size*0.667); }; }; Routine({while({w.isClosed.not}, {u.refresh; (1/25).wait})}).play(AppClock); w.front; ) ( var w= Window("processing - page_366", Rect(100, 100, 200*11, 200*10), false); var u= UserView(w, Rect(0, 0, w.bounds.width, w.bounds.height)); var angle, speed, circlePhase; u.background= Color.white; u.drawFunc= { angle= 0; speed= 0.2; Pen.fillColor= Color.grey(0, 60/255);{|y|{|i| Pen.use{ Pen.translate(i*200, y*200); circlePhase.value(0); circlePhase.value(pi/4); circlePhase.value(pi/2); angle= angle+speed; }; }; }; }; circlePhase= {|phase| var diameter= 65+(sin(angle+phase)*130)/2; Pen.fillOval(Rect.aboutPoint(Point(100, 100), diameter, diameter)); }; w.front; ) ( var w= Window("processing - page_394", Rect(100, 100, 513, 666), false); var u= UserView(w, Rect(0, 0, w.bounds.width, w.bounds.height)); var numRings= 50, currentRing= 0; var ring= {( \x: 0, \y: 0, \diameter: 1, \on: false, \start: {|envir, xpos, ypos| envir.x= xpos; envir.y= ypos; envir.on= true; envir.diameter= 1; }, \agrow: {|envir| if(envir.on, { envir.diameter= envir.diameter+0.5; if(envir.diameter>(u.bounds.height*2), { envir.on= false; }); }); }, \display: {|envir| if(envir.on, { Pen.addOval(Rect.aboutPoint(Point(envir.x, envir.y), envir.diameter, envir.diameter)); }); } )}; var rings= ring.dup(numRings); u.background= Color.white; u.mouseDownAction= {|v, x, y| rings[currentRing].start(x, y); currentRing= currentRing+1; if(currentRing>=numRings, { currentRing= 0; }); }; u.drawFunc= { Pen.strokeColor= Color.grey(102/255, 153/255);{|ring| ring.agrow; ring.display; }; Pen.stroke; }; Routine({while({w.isClosed.not}, {u.refresh; (1/25).wait})}).play(AppClock); w.front; ) ( var w= Window("processing - page_412", Rect(100, 100, 400, 666), false); var u= UserView(w, Rect(0, 0, w.bounds.width, w.bounds.height)); var s= 0, mouseX= 0, mouseY= 0, pmouseX= 0, pmouseY= 0; //u.background= Color.grey(0.8); w.acceptsMouseOver= true; u.clearOnRefresh= false; u.mouseOverAction= {|v, x, y| mouseX= x; mouseY= y; s= ([x, y]-[pmouseX, pmouseY]).sum{|z| z*z}.sqrt.abs; u.refresh; pmouseX= x; pmouseY= y; }; u.drawFunc= { Pen.fillColor= Color.grey(0, 102/255); Pen.fillOval(Rect.aboutPoint(Point(mouseX, mouseY), s/2, s/2)); Pen.strokeColor= Color.white; Pen.line(Point(mouseX, mouseY), Point(mouseX+1, mouseY+1)); Pen.stroke; }; w.front; ) ( var w= Window("processing - page_420", Rect(100, 100, 513, 666), false); var u= UserView(w, Rect(0, 0, w.bounds.width, w.bounds.height)); var mouseX= 0, mouseY= 0, clear= true; u.clearOnRefresh= false; u.mouseMoveAction= {|v, x, y| clear= false; mouseX= x; mouseY= y; u.refresh; "hi".postln; }; u.mouseDownAction= { clear= true; u.refresh; }; u.drawFunc= { Pen.setSmoothing(false); if(clear, { Pen.fillColor= Color.white; Pen.fillRect(u.bounds); }); Pen.strokeColor=; Pen.line(Point(mouseX, mouseY), Point(mouseX, mouseY+0.5)); Pen.stroke; }; w.front; ) ( var w= Window("processing - page_476", Rect(100, 100, 513, 666), false); var u= UserView(w, Rect(0, 0, w.bounds.width, w.bounds.height)); var arrowParticle= {( \x: 0, \y: 0, \vx: 0, \vy: 0, \radius: 1, \gravity: 0.1, \angle: 0, \shaftLength: 20, \setup: {|envir, xpos, ypos, velx, vely, r| envir.x= xpos; envir.y= ypos; envir.vx= velx; envir.vy= vely; envir.radius= r; }, \aupdate: {|envir| envir.vy= envir.vy+envir.gravity; envir.y= envir.y+envir.vy; envir.x= envir.x+envir.vx; envir.angle= atan2(envir.vy, envir.vx); }, \display: {|envir| Pen.use{ Pen.translate(envir.x, envir.y); Pen.rotate(envir.angle); Pen.scale(envir.shaftLength, envir.shaftLength); Pen.width= 1/envir.shaftLength; Pen.line(Point(0, 0), Point(0.25, 0)); Pen.line(Point(0.25, 0), Point(0.174, -0.075)); Pen.line(Point(0.25, 0), Point(0.174, 0.075)); Pen.stroke; }; } )}; var num= 900; var radius= 1.2; var p= { var velX= -1.0.rrand(10); var velY= -20.0.rrand(-6); arrowParticle.value.setup(u.bounds.width/4, u.bounds.height, velX, velY, 0.4); }.dup(num); u.background= Color.white; u.drawFunc= {{|a| a.aupdate; a.display; }; }; Routine({while({w.isClosed.not}, {u.refresh; (1/25).wait})}).play(AppClock); w.front; ) ( var w= Window("processing - page_xx", Rect(100, 100, 250, 925), false); var u= UserView(w, Rect(0, 0, w.bounds.width, w.bounds.height)); var x, y, r= 350, n= 8, rs= 12; var drawCircle; u.background= Color.white; thisThread.randSeed= rs; y= u.bounds.height*0.33; x= u.bounds.width/2; u.drawFunc= { drawCircle.value(x, y, r, n); }; drawCircle= {|x, y, radius, num| var value= 126*num/6; var branches; Pen.fillColor= Color.grey(value/255, 153/255); Pen.fillOval(Rect.aboutPoint(Point(x, y), radius, radius)); if(num>1, { num= num-1; branches= 2.rrand(6);{|i| var a= 2pi.rand; var newx= x+(cos(a)*6*num); var newy= y+(sin(a)*6*num); drawCircle.value(newx, newy+26, radius/2, num); }; }); }; w.front; )
Processing-Book-001 / Synthesis
( var w= Window("processing - _01_waves", Rect(100, 100, 400, 400), false); var u= UserView(w, Rect(0, 0, w.bounds.width, w.bounds.height)); var shapeTriangleStrip, points; u.background= Color.white; u.drawFunc= { var angle= 0, magnitude= 24; points= []; 0.forBy(u.bounds.width, 8, {|x| var y, y2; y= 50+(sin(angle)*magnitude); angle= angle+(pi/48); y2= 70+(sin(angle+(pi/6))*magnitude); points= points.add(Point(x, y)); points= points.add(Point(x, y2)); }); shapeTriangleStrip.value(points); Pen.stroke; }; shapeTriangleStrip= {|points| var max= points.size-1;{|p, i| if(i<max, {Pen.line(p, points[i+1])}); if(i>1, {Pen.line(p, points[i-2])}); }; }; w.front; ) ( var w= Window("processing - _02_waves", Rect(100, 100, 400, 400), false); var u= UserView(w, Rect(0, 0, w.bounds.width, w.bounds.height)); var shapeTriangleStrip, points; u.background= Color.white; u.drawFunc= { var angle= 0, magnitude= 18; magnitude.neg.forBy(u.bounds.height+magnitude, 24, {|i| points= []; 0.forBy(u.bounds.width, 8, {|x| var y, y2; y= i+(sin(angle)*magnitude); angle= angle+(pi/24); y2= i+10+(sin(angle+(pi/12))*magnitude); points= points.add(Point(x, y)); points= points.add(Point(x, y2)); }); shapeTriangleStrip.value(points); Pen.stroke; }); }; shapeTriangleStrip= {|points| var max= points.size-1;{|p, i| if(i<max, {Pen.line(p, points[i+1])}); if(i>1, {Pen.line(p, points[i-2])}); }; }; w.front; ) //almost. some problems with fill in this example ( var w= Window("processing - _03_waves", Rect(100, 100, 1200, 280), false); var u= UserView(w, Rect(0, 0, w.bounds.width, w.bounds.height)); var shapeTriangleStripFill, points; u.background= Color.white; u.drawFunc= { var angle= 0, angle2= 0, magnitude= 8; magnitude.neg.forBy(u.bounds.height+magnitude, 18, {|i| angle2= angle; points= []; Pen.fillColor=; 0.forBy(u.bounds.width, 8, {|x| var y, y2; y= i+(sin(angle)*magnitude); angle= angle+(pi/24); y2= i+4+(sin(angle+(pi/12))*magnitude); points= points.add(Point(x, y)); points= points.add(Point(x, y2)); }); shapeTriangleStripFill.value(points); Pen.fill; points= []; Pen.fillColor= Color.grey(204/255); 0.forBy(u.bounds.width, 8, {|x| var y, y2; y= i+4+(sin(angle2+(pi/12))*magnitude); angle2= angle2+(pi/24); y2= i+8+(sin(angle2+(pi/12))*magnitude); points= points.add(Point(x, y)); points= points.add(Point(x, y2)); }); shapeTriangleStripFill.value(points); Pen.fill; }); }; shapeTriangleStripFill= {|points| var max= points.size-1;{|p, i| Pen.moveTo(p); if(i<max, {Pen.lineTo(points[i+1])}); if(i>1, {Pen.lineTo(points[i-2])}); }; }; w.front; ) //almost. some problems with fill in this example ( var w= Window("processing - _04_waves", Rect(100, 100, 1200, 280), false); var u= UserView(w, Rect(0, 0, w.bounds.width, w.bounds.height)); var shapeTriangleStripFill, points; u.background= Color.white; u.drawFunc= { var angle= 0, magnitude= 16; magnitude.neg.forBy(u.bounds.width+magnitude, 16, {|i| Pen.fillColor= Color.grey(i/u.bounds.width); points= []; 0.forBy(u.bounds.height, 6, {|y| var x, x2; x= i+(sin(angle)*magnitude); angle= angle+(pi/22); x2= i+8+(sin(angle+(pi/22))*magnitude); points= points.add(Point(x, y)); points= points.add(Point(x2, y)); }); shapeTriangleStripFill.value(points); Pen.fill; }); }; shapeTriangleStripFill= {|points| var max= points.size-1;{|p, i| Pen.moveTo(p); if(i<max, {Pen.lineTo(points[i+1])}); if(i>1, {Pen.lineTo(points[i-2])}); }; }; w.front; ) //almost. some problems with fill in this example ( var w= Window("processing - _05_waves", Rect(100, 100, 1200, 280), false); var u= UserView(w, Rect(0, 0, w.bounds.width, w.bounds.height)); var shapeTriangleStripFill, points; u.background= Color.white; u.drawFunc= { var angle= pi, angle2= pi, magnitude= 3; magnitude.neg.forBy(u.bounds.height+magnitude, 12, {|i| angle2= angle; Pen.fillColor=; points= []; 0.forBy(u.bounds.width, 8, {|x| var y, y2; y= i+(sin(angle)*magnitude); angle= angle+(pi/24); y2= i+4+(sin(angle+(pi/12))*magnitude); points= points.add(Point(x, y)); points= points.add(Point(x, y2)); }); shapeTriangleStripFill.value(points); Pen.fill; }); }; shapeTriangleStripFill= {|points| var max= points.size-1;{|p, i| Pen.moveTo(p); if(i<max, {Pen.lineTo(points[i+1])}); if(i>1, {Pen.lineTo(points[i-2])}); }; }; w.front; ) ( var w= Window("processing - _01_grids", Rect(100, 100, 600, 600), false); var u= UserView(w, Rect(0, 0, w.bounds.width, w.bounds.height)); var sqNum= 12, sqSize= u.bounds.width.div(sqNum), halfSize= sqSize.div(2); u.background= Color.white; u.drawFunc= { Pen.setSmoothing(false); halfSize.forBy(u.bounds.width, sqSize, {|y| halfSize.forBy(u.bounds.height, sqSize, {|x| Pen.strokeRect(Rect(x-halfSize+2, y-halfSize+2, sqSize-4, sqSize-4)); }); }); }; w.front; ) ( var w= Window("processing - _02_grids", Rect(100, 100, 600, 600), false); var u= UserView(w, Rect(0, 0, w.bounds.width, w.bounds.height)); var numSquares= 12, gap= 4, sqSize= (u.bounds.width-(gap*2)).div(numSquares), halfSize= sqSize.div(2), offset= halfSize+gap, ydiv= sqSize.div(12); u.background= Color.white; u.drawFunc= { Pen.setSmoothing(false);{|y|{|x| var xp= offset+(x*sqSize); var yp= offset+(y*sqSize); 0.forBy(sqSize-(gap*2), ydiv, {|i| var yy= i*halfSize+gap+i; Pen.line(Point(xp-halfSize+gap, yp-halfSize+gap+i), Point(xp+halfSize-gap, yp-halfSize+gap+i)); }); }; }; Pen.stroke; }; w.front; ) ( var w= Window("processing - _03_grids", Rect(100, 100, 600, 600), false); var u= UserView(w, Rect(0, 0, w.bounds.width, w.bounds.height)); var numSquares= 6, gap= 8, sqSize= (u.bounds.width-(gap*2)).div(numSquares); u.background=; u.drawFunc= { Pen.setSmoothing(false); Pen.strokeColor= Color.grey(1, 204/255);{|y|{|x| var sqArea= 10.rrand(100); var halfArea= sqArea.div(2); var ydiv= sqArea.div(12); var offset= sqSize/2+gap; var xp= offset+(x*sqSize); var yp= offset+(y*sqSize); 0.forBy(sqArea-(gap*2), ydiv, {|i| var yy= i*halfArea+gap+i; Pen.line(Point(xp-halfArea+gap, yp-halfArea+gap+i), Point(xp+halfArea-gap, yp-halfArea+gap+i)); }); }; }; Pen.stroke; }; w.front; ) ( var w= Window("processing - _04_grids", Rect(100, 100, 600, 600), false); var u= UserView(w, Rect(0, 0, w.bounds.width, w.bounds.height)); var numSquares= 6, gap= 8, xUnit= u.bounds.width-(gap*2)/numSquares, yUnit= u.bounds.height-(gap*2)/numSquares; u.background=; u.drawFunc= { Pen.setSmoothing(false); Pen.strokeColor= Color.grey(1, 204/255);{|y|{|x| var squareWidth= 10.rrand(300); var squareHeight= squareWidth.round; var ydiv= squareHeight.div(12); var xoff= xUnit/2+gap; var yoff= yUnit/2+gap; var xp= xoff+(x*xUnit); var yp= yoff+(y*yUnit); 0.forBy(squareHeight-(gap*2), ydiv, {|i| var yy= i*squareHeight/2+gap+i; Pen.line(Point(xp-(squareWidth/2)+gap, yp-(squareHeight/2)+gap+i), Point(xp+(squareWidth/2)-gap, yp-(squareHeight/2)+gap+i)); }); }; }; Pen.stroke; }; w.front; ) ( var w= Window("processing - _05_grids", Rect(100, 100, 600, 600), false); var u= UserView(w, Rect(0, 0, w.bounds.width, w.bounds.height)); var numSquares= 12, gap= 4, xUnit= u.bounds.width-(gap*2)/numSquares, yUnit= u.bounds.height-(gap*2)/numSquares, squareWidth= xUnit, squareHeight= yUnit; u.background=; u.drawFunc= { Pen.setSmoothing(false); Pen.strokeColor= Color.grey(1, 204/255);{|y|{|x| var ydiv= squareHeight/12; var xoff= xUnit/2+gap; var yoff= yUnit/2+gap; var xp= xoff+(x*xUnit); var yp= yoff+(y*yUnit); 0.forBy(squareHeight-(gap*2), ydiv, {|i| var yy= i*squareHeight/2+gap+i; Pen.line(Point(xp-(squareWidth/2)+gap, yp-(squareHeight/2)+gap+i), Point(xp+(squareWidth/2)-gap, yp-(squareHeight/2)+gap+i)); }); ydiv= 1.0.rrand(squareHeight/4); 0.forBy(squareHeight-(gap*2), ydiv, {|i| var yy= i*squareHeight/2+gap+i; Pen.line(Point(xp-(squareWidth/2)+gap, yp-(squareHeight/2)+gap+i), Point(xp+(squareWidth/2)-gap, yp-(squareHeight/2)+gap+i)); }); }; }; Pen.stroke; }; w.front; ) ( var w= Window("processing - _04_mandelbrot", Rect(100, 100, 600, 600), false); var u= UserView(w, Rect(0, 0, w.bounds.width, w.bounds.height)); var co; // color var accuracy= 200; // Lower numbers are less accurate (lower resolution) var zoom= 200; // Try these: 200 250 350 500 700 950 1250 1600 2000 2450 2950 3500 var dx= u.bounds.width/2; var dy= u.bounds.height/2; var xscale= u.bounds.width/zoom; var yscale= u.bounds.height/zoom; var xOff= dx/u.bounds.width*xscale/2; var yOff= -1+(dy/u.bounds.height*yscale/2); u.background=; u.drawFunc= { Pen.setSmoothing(false);{|i|{|j| var k= 0, zz1, zz2; var re= i/zoom-xOff-(dx/zoom); var im= j/zoom-yOff-(dy/zoom); // Complex number z, c var z1= 0.0; var z2= 0.0; co= 0; while({k<accuracy}, { zz1= z1.squared-z2.squared+re; zz2= 2*z1*z2+im; z1= zz1; z2= zz2; // Check if the modulus of complex num is within limit if((z1.squared+z2.squared).sqrt>2, { co= 1-(k/accuracy); k= accuracy; }, { k= k+1; }); }); Pen.strokeColor= Color(co, co, co); Pen.strokeRect(Rect.aboutPoint(Point(i, j), 1, 1)); }; }; }; w.front; ) ( var w= Window("processing - _05_tennis", Rect(100, 100, 640, 480), false); var u= UserView(w, Rect(0, 0, w.bounds.width, w.bounds.height)); var ballX= 0, ballY= u.bounds.height/2, ballDir= 1, ballSize= 10, ballAngle= 0; var paddleWidth= 20, paddleHeight= 40, wallGap= 50, netSegment= u.bounds.height/32; var mouseX= 0, mouseY= 0, pmouseX= 0, pmouseY= 0; w.acceptsMouseOver= true; u.mouseOverAction= {|v, x, y| pmouseX= (x-mouseX).abs; pmouseY= (y-mouseY).abs; mouseX= x; mouseY= y; }; u.background=; u.drawFunc= { var paddleY, py; Pen.strokeColor= Color.white; 0.forBy(u.bounds.height, netSegment, {|i| Pen.line(Point(u.bounds.width/2, i), Point(u.bounds.width/2, i+(netSegment/3))); }); Pen.stroke; ballX= ballX+(ballDir*2); ballY= ballY+ballAngle; if(ballX>(u.bounds.width+(ballSize*2)), { ballX= ballSize.neg; ballY= 0.rrand(u.bounds.height-ballSize); ballAngle= 0; (""++ballX+":"+ballY+":"+ballAngle).postln; }); if(ballX<(ballSize.neg*2), { ballX= u.bounds.width; ballY= 0.rrand(u.bounds.height-ballSize); ballAngle= 0; (""++ballX+":"+ballY+":"+ballAngle).postln; }); paddleY= mouseY.clip(0, u.bounds.height-paddleHeight); py= u.bounds.width-wallGap-ballSize; if(ballX>=py and:{ballY+ballSize>=paddleY and:{ballY<=(paddleY+paddleHeight)}}, { ballDir= ballDir* -1; if(mouseY!=pmouseY, { ballAngle= (mouseY-pmouseY)/2; ballAngle= ballAngle.clip(-5, 5); }); }); if(ballX<0, { ballDir= ballDir* -1; }); if(ballY>(u.bounds.height-ballSize) or:{ballY<0}, { ballAngle= ballAngle* -1; }); Pen.fillColor= Color.white; Pen.fillRect(Rect(ballX, ballY, ballSize, ballSize)); Pen.fillColor= Color.grey(153/255); Pen.fillRect(Rect(u.bounds.width-wallGap, paddleY, paddleWidth, paddleHeight)); Pen.fillRect(Rect(wallGap, u.bounds.height-paddleY-paddleHeight, paddleWidth, paddleHeight)); }; Routine({while({w.isClosed.not}, {u.refresh; (1/25).wait})}).play(AppClock); w.front; )
authors so far: redFrik