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Using dewdrop_lib Voicer with Pbind - Acid demo

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Tried to post this on the mailing list, but got bitten by the 40KB message limit.

The question was asked how to make sliding notes with Pbind. My preferred technique is to use MonoPortaVoicer, in my class library. MonoPortaVoicer mimics the behavior of portamento on mono synths, where overlapping the previous note with the next one causes a slide.

Voicer and MonoPortaVoicer are available from

Here's an acid-house-style demo to illustrate how it works.

Sliding notes have the sustain parameter just slightly higher than the event delta (same as if you overlapped notes on your MIDI keyboard).

Also, MonoPortaVoicer does tend to throw a lot of "FAILURE /n_set Node not found" messages when playing quickly like this. It's a timing issue that I'm not sure is solvable:

It's a harmless message, only trying to remove a synth that has already died.

Anyway... add a 4x4 kick drum, drop a tab, and have a merry xmas!


// init
Instr("bass.distpulse", { arg freq, gate, freqlag, pwidth, detune, distortion, ffreq, rq,
		vsense, fenvsense, env, fenv, trigthresh, t_gate,
		logate = 0, higate = 1, lotrig = 0.5, hitrig = 1.0;
	var sig, amp;
	var	trig = (t_gate > trigthresh) * - trigthresh).clip(logate, higate), logate, higate, lotrig, hitrig);
	freq =, freqlag);
	amp = (, gate) - 1) * vsense + 1;
		// oscillator
	sig =[freq, freq*detune], pwidth);
		// distortion
	sig = * distortion).distort) * amp;
		// filter envelope
	ffreq = ffreq * (1 +, trig, levelScale: trig * fenvsense));
	sig =, ffreq.clip(20, 20000), rq);
		// output phase
	sig *, gate, doneAction:2)
}, [\freq, [0, 1], \freqlag, [0, 1], \mydetune, [1, 10], \freq, \myrq, [0, 1], [0, 1], EnvSpec(Env.adsr(0.01, 0.25, 0.5, 0.1)), EnvSpec(Env.adsr(0.01, 1, 1, 1))]);

m = MixerChannel(\bass, s, 1, 2, level: -14.dbamp);

v = MonoPortaVoicer(1, Instr("bass.distpulse"), [\detune, `1.00851763877,
	\distortion, 10, \ffreq, 180, \rq, 0.05, \vsense, 0.2, \fenvsense, 9.0,
	\env, Env.adsr(0.01, 0.06, 0.4, 0.1), \fenv, Env(#[1, 4, 1], #[0.01, 0.9], curve: -2),
	\logate, `0, \higate, `0.5, \lotrig, `0, \hitrig, `1,
	\trigthresh, 0.5, \pwidth, `0.5], target:m);
v.portaTime = 0.3;

c = v.mapGlobal(\ffreq, nil, 180, \freq);
d ={, 0.5, 0.5), 0.0, 1.0, 180, 2000) });

TempoClock.default.tempo = 122/60;

// go
p = Pchain(
			// short repeated tonic notes
		Pbind(\midinote, Pstutter(Pwhite(4, 12, 1), 36),
			\delta, Pwrand(#[0.25, 0.5], #[0.7, 0.3], inf),
			\sustain, Pkey(\delta) * Pwhite(0.2, 0.8, inf),
			\gate, Pwhite(0.1, 0.75, inf)
			// downward slides
		Pbind(\midinote, Plazy({ Pseq([Prand(#[40, 41, 43, 46], 1), 36], rrand(1, 5)) }),
			\delta, Pseq([Pwrand(#[0.25, 0.5, 0.75], #[0.7, 0.2, 0.1], 1),
				Pwrand(#[0.25, 0.5, 0.75], #[0.1, 0.7, 0.2], 1)], inf),
			\sustain, Pkey(\delta) * Pseq([1.1, Pwhite(0.6, 1.05, 1)], inf),
			\gate, Pwhite(0.4, 0.9, inf)
	], inf),
	Pbind(\type, \voicerNote, \voicer, v)


// clean up;;;

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