// redFrik 050621 // beatmatching, interpolation, clock synchronisation // this will adjust tempo to assure downbeat after x seconds +TempoClock { sync {|tempo, secs= 4, resolution= 1| var next, time, durCur, durNew, durDif, durAvg, stepsPerBeat, delta, factor, steps, sum, durs, index= 0; secs= secs.max(0.03); //saftey and lower jitter limit next= this.timeToNextBeat(1); time= secs-(this.tempo.reciprocal*next); if(time<next, { //jump directly this.tempo_(next/secs); //set a high tempo this.sched(next, { this.tempo_(tempo); nil; }); }, { //else interpolate this.sched(next, { //offset the thing to next beat durCur= this.tempo.reciprocal; durNew= tempo.reciprocal; durDif= durNew-durCur; durAvg= durCur+durNew/2; //average duration for number of steps stepsPerBeat= resolution.max(0.001).reciprocal.round; steps= (time/durAvg).round*stepsPerBeat; delta= stepsPerBeat.reciprocal; //quantized resolution durs= Array.series(steps, durCur, durDif/steps); sum= durs.sum/stepsPerBeat; factor= time/sum; this.sched(0, { var tmp; if(index<steps, { tmp= (durs[index]*factor).reciprocal; this.tempo_(tmp); index= index+1; delta; }, { this.tempo_(tempo); nil; }); }); nil; }); }); } }
////////////////////////////////// s.boot; ( SynthDef(\ping, {|freq| var e, z; e= EnvGen.ar(Env.perc(0, 0.1), doneAction:2); z= SinOsc.ar(freq.dup, 0, 0.2); OffsetOut.ar(0, z*e); }).send(s); ) //-- go from 1.5 to 0.8 and end on downbeat 4 sec from now ~from= 1.5; ~to= 0.8; ~sec= 4; c= TempoClock(~from); c.sched(c.timeToNextBeat(1), {Synth(\ping, [\freq, 800]); 1}); ( SystemClock.sched(~sec, {Synth(\ping, [\freq, 1200]); ~to.reciprocal}); c.sync(~to, ~sec); ) //-- dec temo. after 8.1 sec tempo 1.1 ~from= 1.9; ~to= 1.1; ~sec= 8.1; c= TempoClock(~from); c.sched(c.timeToNextBeat(1), {Synth(\ping, [\freq, 800]); 1}); ( SystemClock.sched(~sec, {Synth(\ping, [\freq, 1200]); ~to.reciprocal}); c.sync(~to, ~sec); ) //-- inc ~from= 1.1; ~to= 1.9; ~sec= 8.1; c= TempoClock(~from); c.sched(c.timeToNextBeat(1), {Synth(\ping, [\freq, 800]); 1}); ( SystemClock.sched(~sec, {Synth(\ping, [\freq, 1200]); ~to.reciprocal}); c.sync(~to, ~sec); ) //-- quick adjust. interpolation suffers a little. ~from= 1.0; ~to= 1.2; ~sec= 3.3; c= TempoClock(~from); c.sched(c.timeToNextBeat(1), {Synth(\ping, [\freq, 800]); 1}); ( SystemClock.sched(~sec, {Synth(\ping, [\freq, 1200]); ~to.reciprocal}); c.sync(~to, ~sec); ) //-- 2 tempoclocks!!! syncs them after 4.7 seconds ~from1= 1.02; ~to1= 1.8; ~from2= 1.3; ~to2= 1.8; ~sec= 4.7; c= TempoClock(~from1); d= TempoClock(~from2); c.sched(c.timeToNextBeat(1), {Synth(\ping, [\freq, 800]); 1}); d.sched(d.timeToNextBeat(1), {Synth(\ping, [\freq, 1200]); 1}); ( c.sync(~to1, ~sec); d.sync(~to2, ~sec); ) //-- 2 tempoclocks synced almost at once ~from1= 1.02; ~to1= 1.8; ~from2= 1.3; ~to2= 1.8; ~sec= 0; c= TempoClock(~from1); d= TempoClock(~from2); c.sched(c.timeToNextBeat(1), {Synth(\ping, [\freq, 800]); 1}); d.sched(d.timeToNextBeat(1), {Synth(\ping, [\freq, 1200]); 1}); ( c.sync(~to1, ~sec); d.sync(~to2, ~sec); ) //-- resolution make the interpolation smoother. this will update tempo 5times/beat (0.2) ~from= 1.1; ~to= 1.5; ~sec= 7.3; c= TempoClock(~from); a= Pbind(\degree, Pseq([0, 5, 3, 2], inf), \dur, 0.125, \amp, 0.1).play(c); c.sync(~to, ~sec, 0.2);
see also syncing tempclocks