By sending OSC network messages to the SC Server one can control
sound processes from other clients.
to send osc messages from terminal e.g. see sendOSC
clients using sc scerver
- Scheme
- rsc3 is an r6rs scheme supercollider client.
- Haskell
- SmallTalk
- A squeak OSC-Client by Marcus Gälli, which works with SC: OSC-Client
- Python
- scosc, python OSC for supercollider:
- Installation of PySCLang (sclang for python): here is a quick installation tutorial by Johnathan Saggau
- Q
- Albert Graef lets his Q functional programming language for multimedia applications talk specially to SC3 through OSC:
- Java
- As much as Mühlethaler and Schuppisser with their Sonificator do this with java:
- scream, a system based on java:
- JCollider duplicates some of SCLang's client side representation classes to simplify the building of Java based clients (project is beta state):
- Processing
- using OSC, communication with Processing is possible. An example is here
- CommonMusic
- Rick Taube's algorithmic library for LISP. Page at sourceforge
- ML
- smlsc3 is a Standard ML supercollider client.
- SwingOSC is an OpenSoundControl (OSC) server intended for scripting Java
- SCVamp improvisation with multiple SuperCollider synths and patterns through a graphical user interface.
- SCUM is an OpenSoundControl (OSC) GUI server based on FLTK.
other systems
- vst2osc: sending osc messages from any VST-compatible application
- SuperColliderAU: AudioUnits wrapper for scsynth
- javaosc, a library for talking the Open Sound Control (OSC) protocol in Java.
- communication from Cocoa with sc
- a java based system for creation of spatialisation data:
- a java based sound editor using scsynth:
- a soundfile segmentor that comes with supercollider classes: Meapsoft
- open sound control library for lisp cl-osc
- faust a functional language for real-time audio processing, which can compile DSP expressions to C++ SuperCollider plugin code (as well as to other formats).