OOP Lang M
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OOP Lang M
Concurrent object-oriented language.[?]
Meta Class System. A portable object-oriented extension of Common
- billk@cs.ukans.edu
226 Transfer complete.? From billk@cs.ukans.edu Sun Jan 29 14:26:27 PST 1995
Concurrent, object-oriented, dataflow, modular and fault-tolerant!
Comparable to SR. "MELDing Multiple Granularities of Parallelism", G.
Kaiser et al, ECOOP '89, pp.147-166, Cambridge U Press 1989.
- MeldC
Columbia U, 1990. A C-based concurrent object-oriented
coordination language built on a reflective architecture. A redesign of
MELD. Version 2.0 for Sun4's and DECstations.
- Info: Gail Kaiser
- Mentat
U Virginia. Object-oriented distributed language, an extension of
C++, portable to a variety of MIMD architectures. "Mentat: An Object-
Oriented Macro Data Flow System", A. Grimshaw et
al, SIGPLAN Notices 22(12):35-47 (Dec 1987) (OOPSLA '87). Available now
for Sun 3 & 4 and iPSC/2, and soon Mach, iPSC860, RS/6000 and Iris.
- Info: mentat@uvacs.cs.virginia.edu
An object-oriented system built on Scheme.
- Ftp:ftp://nexus.yorku.ca/pub/scheme/new/
- Mode
Object-oriented. "The Programming Language Mode: Language
Definition and User Guide", J. Vihavainen, C-1987-50, U Helsinki, 1987.
1986. Object-oriented modular language for discrete
simulation, with multiple inheritance, strong typing, integrated 2D and 3D
graphics. Compiles to C. CACI, La Jolla, (619) 457-9681.
- List: palmer@world.std.com
- MooZ
Object-oriented extension of Z. "Object Orientation in Z", S.
Stepney et al eds, Springer 1992.
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- OOP Languages last edited on 19 November 2002 at 7:36 pm by josephine.hfbk.org
- enter. last edited on 29 January 2003 at 10:46 pm by