Using Patterns as Noise Source
Here is two ways to create a Noise Source from a Stream,
in this case using boolean Netwoks, Pboolnet by C.Ramacrishnan.
they are very inefficient, but can be seen as a sketch for whether it would be worthwhile
to implement them as C++ plugin.
//for SC 3d5.1
//with CurveSeq
var n, l, net, pat;
n = 16; //number of levels
l = 32; //length of loop
net = {
Array.fill(l, {
[[0,1].choose, [\and, \or, \xor, \not].choose]
}).flat, inf
pat = 0;
n.do({ pat = pat + net.value });
pat = pat / 8 - 1; //scale down to -1/1
Library.put(\boolnet, pat);
var dt;
dt = MouseX.new([1/20, 1/1000]); //delta time
CurveSeq.ar(1, Routine({
var stream;
stream = Library.at(\boolnet).asStream;
[dt.value, stream.next, \linear].yield;
), 0);
}, 0.1)
//with Sequencer
var n, l, net, pat;
n = 16; //number of levels
l = 32; //length of loop
net = {
Array.fill(l, {
[[0,1].choose, [\and, \or, \xor, \not].choose]
}).flat, inf
pat = 0;
n.do({ pat = pat + net.value });
pat = pat / 8 - 1; //scale down to -1/1
Library.put(\boolnet, pat);
var dt, out, stream;
out = Plug.ar(0, 0.0);
dt = Plug.kr(MouseX.kr([1/20, 1/1000])); //delta time
stream = Library.at(\boolnet).asStream;
Sequencer.ar({ out.line(stream.next, dt.poll); 0.0 }, Impulse.ar(dt.reciprocal));
Pan2.ar(out, 0);
}, 0.1)
Links to this Page
- Noise (SC3d5) last edited on 27 October 2004 at 8:12 pm by dialin-145-254-034-116.arcor-ip.net
- enter. last edited on 29 January 2003 at 10:46 pm by
- Pattern Examples (SC2) last edited on 7 April 2004 at 1:45 am by max2-022.dialin.uni-hamburg.de
- Pboolnet last edited on 14 March 2005 at 3:55 pm by max1-207.dialin.uni-hamburg.de