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Coding style

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SuperCollider coding style

Some quick notes about what to consider when contributing to SuperCollider's code base. The following really only applies to the C/C++ sources of scsynth and sclang (somebody please add notes for SC sources!).



In general identifiers are in camel case (with some exceptions, see below):
    double thisIsAVariable;
    double andThisIsAnother;

Global variables are often prefixed with g:
    InterfaceTable* gInterfaceTable;

Constants are prefixed with k:

Functions operating on a certain structure type are often prefixed with the name of that type, followed by an underscore:
    World* World_New(WorldOptions *inOptions);
    void   Node_SendTrigger(Node* inNode, int triggerID, float value);

Classes of general utility and used in both scsynth and sclang are sometimes prefixed with SC_.
    class SC_SyncCondition;

Method names more often than not begin with an upper case character.

Class and struct members are usually prefixed with m followed by an upper case character, or m_ followed by a lower case character, the rest of the identifier being in camel case:
    size_t mOffset;
    double m_prevInput;

Conventions particular to sclang

Structures in sclang are often prefixed with Pyr:

Notes for UGen writers

The naming for UGens has fairly strict conventions, because SC's macros connect the function/struct names with the names used by a user. A UGen usually has a struct associated with it, which should take the same name as the corresponding sclang class (which implies it begins with a capital letter).
    struct SinOsc : Unit { ... };

In general the associated methods' names should begin with that name too: the constructor must take that name followed by _Ctor and the destructor (if used) must take that name followed by _Dtor.
    void SinOsc_Ctor(SinOsc *unit);

The DSP functions should take that name followed by _next, plus more text to distinguish the different DSP functions from each other as needed; e.g. audio-rate is postfixed by _a and control-rate is postfixed by _k. These postfixes might stack up for several parameter/rate combinations:
    void SinOsc_next_iak(SinOsc *unit, int inNumSamples);

Private methods within the plugin files don't have to follow strict naming but it is recommended to prefix them in a similar fashion, to identify the UGen(s) with which they belong.

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