Welcome to the Alternate Tuning Internet Mailing List!
(Originally based at Mills College in Oakland, California, USA.)
(AKA "The Tuning List", "The Tuning Group".)
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This mailing list is intended for exchanging ideas relevant to alternate
tunings: just intonation; paratactical tunings; experimental musical
instrument design; non-standard equal temperaments; MIDI tuning system
exclusive specs; concert postings; gamelan tunings and other non-western
tunings; historical tunings; the experimental tunings of Harry Partch, Lou
Harrison, Martin Bartlett, James Tenney, and so on; software reports;
recordings; books; research sources, etcetera.
To send mail to everyone in the group, send to tuning@egroups.com
There is an associated ftp site (separate from the archives) at
Links to this Page
- enter. last edited on 29 January 2003 at 10:46 pm by
- some mailinglists last edited on 25 August 2002 at 12:19 pm by c-134-89-104.hh.dial.de.ignite.net