Status of SuperColliderAU on Audio Units host applications.
Please update the information on the host you use.Currently SuperColliderAU works only as an audio effect.
If your audio glitches, try setting block size to the largest integer divisor of the hardware buffer size (sometimes configurable in the host).
EG. in SuperColliderAU mPreferredHardwareBufferFrameSize: 2048
- Ableton Live - OK
- AU Lab 1 - OK
- Audacity - must set block size to 4 in serverConfig.plist. Otherwise it's working.
- MOTU Digital Performer: The plugin fails the MOTU AU validator test. Working on this issue...
- Logic / GarageBand: OK
- SparkME: OK
- Peak: OK
- Final Cut Pro: plugin can be selected from menu, but it's parameter controls are not accessable.
- djay: must set block size to 4.