a sample/grain player
Creates one GUI module with possibility to act on some parameters of a sample (offset, rev, volume, lpf, hpf , rq distortion, transpose, fine tune, enveloppe... ) + a rhythm section to trigger the sample .
Every parameter can be controlled by sliders, pattern drag-and-drop, or lfo .
You can create several modules, and link their parameters .
You can also create lfo views, and link them to any parameter (not rhythm) of any module.
There is a MIDI control on the top, permitting to control the transpose parameters with MIDI in, and wrap the whole in an enveloppe.
I added a preset load/save facility, everything can be restored (hopefully... )
It's the first 'giveable' version of this patch, it certainly needs improvements...
Please comment.
(Further descriptions-limitations are coming with the patch)