Computer Music Research and Creation Institutions
Research Centers & Universities
First, a short list of lists (meta-list)
For the moment, I have copied here the links from the first two of these sites:
More lists can be found under Music Technology Directories
The Americas
- UK Sonic Arts Network
- City College of London
- Leeds University Department of Music
- The Leeds Csound Front Page
- York Music Technology Group
- Birmingham (BEAST)
- Electroacoustic Music Studios, University of Birmingham
- Edinburgh AI & Music
- Les Ateliers UPIC
- INA/GRM - Musical Research Group, Institut National de l'Audiovisual
- GRAME Computer Music Lab in Lyon, France
- Music Technology Group, Institut Universitari de l'Audiovisual, Barcelona
- Laboratorio di Informatica Musicale, University of Genoa
- Centro di Sonologia Computazionale, Univerity of Padova
- STEIM Institute in Amsterdam
- Royal Conservatory, Sonology Dept, Den Haag
- Music Cognition Research at NICI and ILLC, The Netherlands
- The Amsterdam Catalogue of Composition Algorithms
- IPEM - Institut voor Psychoacustica en Elektronische Muziek, Ghent
- Ariada Project
- Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Elektroakustiche Musik
- Zentrum fur Kunst und Medientechnologie, Karlsruhe
- ARCANA - Artist Research, Composers' Aid & Network Access
- Institute for electroacoustics & experimental music, Vienna
- DIEM: Danish Institute of Electroacoustic Music
- Department of Speech Communication and Music Acoustics, KTH, Stockholm
- NoTAM: Norwegian Music Network
- Computer Music Engineering Lab, Technion, Haifa
- Computer Music Department of CNUCE/C.N.R, Italy
- Swiss Center for Computer Music
- Electronic Studio, Basel, Switzerland
- IRIS website
- LAMUSA - Laboratorio di Musica e Sociologia delle Arti
- Labor für Akustik und Zeitbild
Asia, Oceania

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