a = MIDINoteGate.kr(...); x = HPZ1.kr(a) < 0 if you want to find out the time difference between the note on and the note off, you can do this: ( { var a, dt; //a = LFPulse.kr(0.51,0.3); a = MIDINoteGate.kr(...); x = HPZ1.kr(a) < 0; Sequencer.kr({ dt = thisSynth.time }, x); Sequencer.kr({ (thisSynth.time - dt).postln }, a>0); }.play; ) ./* authors so far: jrh */ |
HPZ1 will measure the difference between two adjacent samples in the audio stream. so if the level drops it will output a negative value. something 0 outputs 0.0 if the something is 0 or larger, if it drops below zero it will output 1.0. |