OOP Lang Y
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- yacc
Yet Another Compiler Compiler. Language used by the Yacc LALR
parser generator. "YACC - Yet Another Compiler Compiler", S.C. Johnson, CS
TR 32, Bell Labs (Jul 1975).
- ayacc - UC Irvine. written in Ada, produces Ada output
- Ftp:ftp://liege.ics.uci.edu/pub/irus/aflex-ayacc_1.2a.tar.Z
Bison - from GNU
- Ftp:ftp://prep.ai.mit.edu/pub/gnu/bison-1.21.tar.Z
Bison++ - produces C++ output.
- Ftp:ftp://psuvax1.cs.psu.edu/pub/src/gnu/bison++-1.04.tar.Z
perl-byacc - produces perl output
- Ftp:ftp://ftp.sterling.com/local/perl-byacc1.8.2.tar.Z
SASL-yacc - "Yacc in SASL - An Exercise in Functional Programming", Simon
Peyton-Jones, Software Prac & Exp 15:807-820 (1985). Mentions also a BCPL
- yacc++ - 1990. An object-oriented rewrite of yacc, supports regular exp-
ressions, produces an LR(1) parser. "YACC Meets C++", S.C. Johnson, USENIX
Spring '88 Conf. Chris Clark, Compiler Resources Inc, Barbara Zino
<bz%compres.UUCP@primerd.cv.com> (508) 435-5016.
- MLYACC - Implementation and output in SML/NJ
- Ftp:ftp://research.att.com/dist/ml/75.tools.tar.Z
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- OOP Languages last edited on 19 November 2002 at 7:36 pm by josephine.hfbk.org
- enter. last edited on 29 January 2003 at 10:46 pm by