the beauty of warning
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The Department of Mathematics, University of Queensland, Australia.
------ Warning Message ------
***** This service is for authorised clients only *****
* WARNING: It is a criminal offence to: *
* i. Obtain access to data without authority *
* (Penalty 2 years imprisonment) *
* ii. Damage, delete, alter or insert data without authority *
* (Penalty 10 years imprisonment) *
*** Un-authorised use of this server is strictly prohibitied and ***
*** will be followed up. All sessions are logged, if you do not ***
*** like this policy, please disconnect now. ***
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- enter. last edited on 29 January 2003 at 10:46 pm by
- We Currently Recommend last edited on 5 November 2004 at 2:40 pm by gabor.hfbk.org