The Selfsimilar Beauty Of Tree Modelling
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may 8 Room 240
The aestetics of scientific tree models and their programming, considering their
irrealistic beauty and inexpected mathematic variability.
Michael Renton, Brisbane University
Including an introduction to CPFG ("Continuous Fractal Plant Modelling Language")
see also: L-Systems in SC, Turtle
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- enter. last edited on 29 January 2003 at 10:46 pm by
- ZEP last edited on 13 November 2003 at 7:40 pm by max2-007.dialin.uni-hamburg.de
- english version of zep last edited on 12 January 2004 at 10:56 pm by ip68-100-167-45.dc.dc.cox.net
- L-Systems in SC last edited on 20 February 2005 at 5:13 pm by max2-149.dialin.uni-hamburg.de