measuring the delay between in- and output
The following patches can be used to do this - just plug your output of your soundcard into the input.
Writing this patch I realized that normal soundcards don't react properly on frequencies below say 20 Hz.
var in, out, lastTime;
out = LFPulse.ar(100, 0.01);
in = AudioIn.ar(1);
Sequencer.ar({ lastTime = thisSynth.time; 0.0}, out);
Sequencer.ar({ (thisSynth.time - lastTime * 1000).post; " ms".postln; 0.0}, in.abs > 0.1);
[out, in]
var in, out, lastTime;
out = LFPulse.ar(100, pi/4, 0.01);
in = AudioIn.ar(1);
Sequencer.ar({ lastTime = thisGroup.time; 0.0}, out);
Sequencer.ar({ (thisGroup.time - lastTime * 1000).post; " ms".postln; 0.0}, in.abs > 0.1);
[out, in]
//sc3 test the test
var in, out, lastTime;
out = LFPulse.ar(100, pi/4, 0.01);
in = DelayN.ar(AudioIn.ar(1), 0.005, MouseX.kr([0, 0.005]));
Sequencer.ar({ lastTime = thisGroup.time; 0.0}, out);
Sequencer.ar({ (thisGroup.time - lastTime * 1000).post; " ms".postln; 0.0}, in.abs > 0.1);
[out, in]
delaytime = (synthBlockSize + outBufferSize + inBufferSize + synthBlockSize) / sampleRate
on a powerbook g3 buffer size 512 blockSize 64, I got a delay of 0.00349 sec
with this patch.
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