OOP Lang B
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OOP Lang B
Combines sequential and parallel logic programming, object-oriented
and meta-level programming. Both "don't know" nondeterminism and stream
AND-parallelism. Prolog theories are first order entities and may be
updated or passed in messages. Implemented by translation to NU-Prolog and
- Ftp:ftp://munnari.oz.au/pub/bebop.tar.Z
- Info: Andrew Davidson
Kristensen, Madsen, Moller-Pedersen & Nygaard,
1983. Object-oriented language with block structure, coroutines,
concurrency, strong typing, part objects, separate objects and classless
objects. Central feature is a single abstraction mechanism called
"patterns", a generalization of classes, providing instantiation and
hierarchical inheritance for all objects including procedures and
processes. "Object-Oriented Programming in the BETA Programming Language",
Ole Lehrmann et al, A-W June 1993, ISBN 0-201-62430-3. Mjolner Informatics
ApS, implementations for Mac, Sun, HP, Apollo.
- Info: info@mjolner.dk
- List: usergroup@mjolner.dk
Object-oriented successor to BLAZE. "Concurrent Object Access in
BLAZE 2", P. Mehrotra et al, SIGPLAN Notices 24(4):40-42 (Apr 1989).
- Bob
David Betz. A tiny object-oriented language. Dr Dobbs J, Sep 1991,
- Ftp:ftp://ftp.mv.com/pub/ddj/packages/bob15.arc
Basic Object Programming Language. Minimal object-based language
for teaching. "Object-Oriented Sype Systems", J. Palsberg et al, Wiley,
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- OOP Languages last edited on 19 November 2002 at 7:36 pm by josephine.hfbk.org
- enter. last edited on 29 January 2003 at 10:46 pm by