255 jahre telenautik
255 Jahre Telenautik
[ein historischer Blick]

[a historical view]
history of typing
255 Years Telenautik
our program for the jahresausstellung 02, 04.07.02 - 08.07.02:
donnerstag 5.7 - 19:30 CET - Uri Geller / concert
freitag 6.7 - 21:30 CET - turntablism / dj t3 - benjah - istari
samstag 7.7 - 18:30 CET - Hunger / concert
sonntag 8.7 - 16:00 CET - Ordalia / concert
please check the stream at the telenautik main page any time !
samples of historical instruments and the beauty of being obsolete
daily bleed history calendar
the 4.juli in history

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- jahresausstellung last edited on 9 November 2002 at 7:49 pm by max2-098.dialin.uni-hamburg.de
- enter. last edited on 19 October 2011 at 12:26 pm by f052054044.adsl.alicedsl.de