about this project
Despite the genetic industry's claims in the media they had
solved the "greatest task of our times", they had deciphered
the human genome, nobody knows how to interpret most of the
gene sequences. In the light of facts those claims can only
be described as utterly ridiculous. This lack of
interpretation background enables us to contribute to the
debate various ways to read and, most important, to
understand the otherwise empty data.
As we all know, all life depends on what can be described as
transmission of data waveforms in whatever form it may
appear. Therefore we have to assume that one of the available
standard sound protocols should be used to deal with the task
of approaching understanding of the sequenced human genoms.
For compatibility reasons we have chosen the musical
instruments digital interface (MIDI) and are successfully
translating the sequences into musically sensible information
openly accessible by the public.
Moreover there is a special component for the programming language Supercollider that allows to convert standard genetic text into aminoacids and use that data for sound, graphics or control data for other things. It has been published under the lesser gnu public licence
October 2000.
see: http:/MusicTechnology/153
Resequencing the Human Genome Project (CTheory)

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