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creating an arbitrary random distribution

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there is several ways to achieve a certain given random distribution.
here two methods are shown, whereby the last one is the only reliable one
in terms of efficiency.

interesting links related to random distribution:

[1] Monte-Carlo-Method:

The area of the function is used to specify whether a random x-y-pair falls below or above (Monte-Carlo-Method)
The distribution acts as a limit function and find values that meet this constraint.
The disadvantage is that the efficiency of this method might vary inexpectedly and even fail.

g = { arg irpow=0.6, size=100;
	var x, y, a, min, max;
	a = Array.fill(size, { arg i; abs(i)**((1 / irpow) - 1) }).normalizeSum;
	min = a.minItem;
	max = a.maxItem;
	a = a.collect { |el| el.linlin(min, max, 0, 1) };
	while {
		y = 1.0.rand;
		x = a.blendAt(size.asFloat.rand);
		x < y



[2] Using an integrated function table

(why this works: see here)


f = {arg irpow=0.9, size=100;
                 var a, b, sum=0;
                a = Array.fill(size, { arg i; abs(i)**((1 / irpow) - 1) });
		size = a.size;
		a = a.collect { |el| sum = sum + el }; // incrementally integrate
		a = a.normalize(0, size-1); // divide by sum (maximum value) and scale by max index
        	        b = Array.fill(size, { arg i; a.indexInBetween(i) });  // flip array
          	b = b / size // rescale to 0..1

z = f.value(0.9, 200);

// now this produces values of the desired distribution:
z.blendAt((z.size - 1).asFloat.rand);

Using a histogram, one can test if the results are appropriate:

var randomNumbers, histogram, maxValue = 500.0, numVals = 100000, f, z, dfunc, size=200;

//dfunc = { arg i; var pow=0.056; i = i / size; abs(i)**((1 / pow) - 1) };

dfunc = { arg i; i = i / size; (sin(i * 80) * 0.3 + sin(i * 23)).max(0) };

f = { arg func, size = 100;
         var a, b, sum=0;
         a = Array.fill( size, func );
         a = a.collect { |el| sum = sum + el }; // incrementally integrate
         a = a.normalize(0, size-1); // divide by sum (maximum value) and scale by max index
         b = Array.fill(size, { arg i; a.indexInBetween(i) });  // flip array
         b = b / size // rescale to 0..1
z = f.value( dfunc, size );

// plot a sample of the underlying distribution function
Array.fill( size, { arg i; dfunc.value( i )}).plot("distribution function");

// now this produces values of the desired distribution:
randomNumbers = Array.fill(numVals, { z.blendAt((z.size.asFloat - 1).rand); }) * maxValue;
z.plot("mapping table");
histogram = Signal.newClear(maxValue);{ arg each; var count, histoIndex; 
        histoIndex = each.asInteger;
        count =;
        histogram.put(histoIndex, count + 1) 

histogram.plot("histogram for distribution function application 0 - " ++ maxValue);

For the function:
dfunc = { arg i; i = i / size; (sin(i  * 80) * 0.3 + sin(i  * 23)).max(0) };

it results in the following relation between distribution function, scaling function and histogram of the results:

Uploaded Image: distribut.gif

Using an envelope as a distribution function:

var randomNumbers, histogram, maxValue = 500.0, numVals = 100000, f, z, dfunc, env, size=1500;

env = Env([0, 1, 0, 0.3, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1].normalizeSum, [-0.4,8, 'step', 'lin']).plot;

dfunc = { arg i; env[i / size] };

f = { arg func, size=100;
                 var a, b, sum=0;
                a = Array.fill(size, func);
		a = a.collect { |el| sum = sum + el }; // incrementally integrate
		a = a.normalize(0, size-1); // divide by sum (maximum value) and scale by max index
        	        b = Array.fill(size, { arg i; a.indexInBetween(i) });  // flip array
          	b = b / size // rescale to 0..1

z = f.value(dfunc, 2000);

// now this produces values of the desired distribution:

randomNumbers = Array.fill(numVals, { z.blendAt((z.size - 1).asFloat.rand); }) * maxValue;
z.plot("mapping table");
histogram = Signal.newClear(maxValue);{ arg each; var count, histoIndex; 
        histoIndex = each.asInteger;
        count =;
        histogram.put(histoIndex, count + 1) 

histogram.plot("histogram for distribution function application 0 - " ++ maxValue);

Example of granular synthesis with drawing random distributions

asRandomTable and tableRand are methods part of supercollider which implement the above algorithm.

// keep z and c as a global random table
// using the "l" key (when th plot view is in focus) you can unlock the plot view and draw into the array.
// have a look at the mapping table: it changes only a very little, but this change has 
// a distinct effect on the distribution

var v, env, size=180; // keep w, z, d global

env = Env([0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0.3, 1, 1, 1, 0.2].normalizeSum, [-0.4,8, 'step', 'lin']);
c = Array.fill(size, { arg i; env[i / size] });

z = c.asRandomTable;

// views:

v = z.plot("mapping table");
w = c.plot("distribution function");

// now this produces values of the desired distribution:

f = { z = c.asRandomTable; d.value = z;  };

// dig for multislider view.
w.view.children[0].children[1].mouseUpAction = { f.value; };


// create a synth definition for a short grain:
	{ arg out = 0, freq=800, sustain=0.001, amp=0.5, pan = 0;
		var window;
		window = Env.sine(sustain, amp);,,
			) *, doneAction:2)

// play a task definition.


// this definition can be changed on the fly :
Tdef(\x, {
	loop {
			["/s_new", \pgrain, -1, 1, 1, \freq, z.tableRand.linexp(0,1,200, 18000)]


Server side random distribution

// tuning randomness on the server with the above created randomTable
// using waveshaping, the same method can be done on an audio signal:

// allocate a buffer and write the random table into them
s.sendBundle(nil, ["/b_alloc", 144, 1, z.size, ["/b_setn", 144, 0, z.size] ++ z]);

// play a placeholder proxy

// use the random values for sine frequency distribution
Ndef(\x, {
	var inRand, outRand;
	inRand =, 1.0,, 400, 1)));
	outRand =, inRand);, 0, 1, 300, 7000)
	) * 0.1


// or for colored noise:

Ndef(\x, {
	var inRand, outRand;
	inRand =;
	outRand =, inRand);

// to continue editing the distribution with the GUI left from above, use this function:
f = { 
	z = c.asRandomTable; 
	d.value = z; 
	s.sendBundle(nil, ["/b_setn", 144, 1, z.size] ++ z);


// end, clear variables
d = z = w = nil;

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