sensors are devices that measure a physical condition
they return an electrical value, eg. resistance, capacity,
voltage, current to the controlling circuit
this produces analogue (continuous) values
they somehow 'compute' a value from reflection time,
a video image, ...
this produces digital representations of analogue values
passive sensors for:
- mechanical movement: potentiometers, physical pressure sensors, electromagnetic sensors
- temperature: PTC/NTC
- air pressure
- light (visible & invisible/heat): resistive or current producing
- sound (hearable and unhearable): microphones
there are sensors that are stationary and there are sensors you carry
on your body- you have to transmit the signal to the actor then
(use infrared or radio frquency for transmission)
there are sensors you have to activate or trigger on purpose:
pushbuttons, potentiometers, visible light sensors,
there are sensors which will detect your presence even if you dont want it:
they use invisible 'media' like infrared, ultrasonic, hidden cameras,
invisible lasers, switches you dont see, the capacitance of your body
(complete article)
a link page
the MIT 'responsive environments' group
the epanorame page on robotics
MIDI and Sensors
Link to this Page
- enter. last edited on 21 February 2002 at 1:43 am by max2-171.dialin.uni-hamburg.de.