moegliche Inhalte
Partitions / mounten / Mountpoints
Visualisierung Directory-Tree
cd: navigation innerhalb von Verzeichnisstrukturen
Dokumentation auf dem Swiki
man.cgi auf einem der Server, info pages, /usr/doc
TCP/IP, Internet, Adressabstraktionen
Linux Crossplatform: samba, netatalk
file permissions
Schalenmodell / History / Philosophy / Einordnung der Shell
/kernel, /proc, dmesg
from source to binary, .h-files, make
shellscripts, env[inronment]
NAT / masquerading
DNS (Domain Name System)
devices (cdrom, dsk, tty..)
process hierarchy (evtl. psDoom)
overview system calls
different shells
booting (init, getty..)
Das X Window System
Client/Server model
Networking Concepts
Timesharing / Multiuser Systems
Virtual Memory (VM)
Virtual Machines (VM's)
Les Editeurs vi et emacs
Linux Kernel Configuration
Links to this Page
- Linuxkurse wintersemester 02
last edited on 8 November 2002 at 5:08 pm by josephine.hfbk.org
- Galerie last edited on 1 December 2002 at 11:33 pm by c-134-89-132.hh.dial.de.ignite.net