no, but their würstchen are as hairy as their feet: I heard people say, that birds use them as nests
Oh yeah,thats the right stuff for a chick like me!
I shot Andy Warhol thirty years ago, when I was a psycho feminist!!! And now I will shoot John Malkovitch for Being John Malkovitch! And then I shoot Bambi
You crazy psyco-alcoholic-Lsd-dope-coka-strawberry-junkee,how you get to shoot bambi? As the murderer of jfk i tell you who is to shoot next!! will you be my psycoassasinatorslave?
Hell yeah!!! But only under one condition!!! Which is : MMhm?! Well....äh....I ashamed to say, but lets spit it out, only if you have a plastic surgery and put a dileling like the hobbit in place of your crotch
Herr Kretzer hat uns über die schulter gekuckt und gesagt wir würden nicht arbeiten, aber das stimmt nicht1
Im Ernst Jetzt