4: 03.12.2001
Protokolle per Ethernet
- TCP/IP: transmission control protocol / internet protocol
(the tcp/ip protocol suite): OSI
a human analogy
adressen und internet-telefonbuecher
- Apple Talk: ein Protokoll, sehr laberhaft + langsam
- NETBEUI: Micro$oft protokoll, auch eher laberhaft
more for those who want it
Protokolle per Telefonkabel
- PPP: point to point protocol
- SLIP:serial line internet protocol
Links to this Page
- Linuxkurse wintersemester 02
last edited on 8 November 2002 at 5:08 pm by josephine.hfbk.org
- Galerie last edited on 1 December 2002 at 11:33 pm by c-134-89-132.hh.dial.de.ignite.net