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yeast is not a labrador
a wet bird never flies at night
the coast once clear is
only water
rinse at your own risk
medicinal proposals
can be washed a seventh
of their present value
unction once embedded
disperses, abscedes
is surrounded, familiar
forgotten, forgets
the distance between
what the light shed
shadows it cast elongates
go in heat, falter
the ego owed to him
from past recordings
crippled the deck
  certainty devised by its
invisible pillar in the house
of rock
only muttered once as alteration
compensates, blast, elongates
no conclusions remain to be drawn
as if, in the pull of deceleration
an inkling dawns, revises, you
as uttered, cast, yourself concluded
into father i go unweltered
behealing her welts
sweltering hotcrawls up
my athering is nowhere near
a series of undulants greet you


canon lebbecummo dernifatra toe machen airy andengineer matt shions
Ackor ollecti viand pry vatic ledges
toe entdo ne'
Hen oak pull loomed ker
hazreekonfig your d'shions rhea chingpre
hazreekonfig your red cal-eyes thisre fig-your etict ransfor matt datde Vhour sum sum oak pull loomed ftsinsosh eealgarg oilgal
fromidie allismandera etict ransfor matt theek ollecti viand pry anartistico mummunitioff wes terno red theek ollecti viand Itsvertick alateck nopo ledges
toe machen inalsandsheepy ardsbla zingeuropa anartistico nightie
canon lebbecummo machen airy andengineer eealgarg oilgal hurry oak pull loomed ker airy andengineer ingforma
Knewtonnandthee Marquisarse suction

viand pry vatic
sum oak pull loomed hazreekonfig your red rhea chingpre hisss torickchee essing
canon lebbecummo dernifatra on gurrack eptedfu toor vatic
fromidie hisss torickchee ildstoywhichter ummsand Hen seethe faktha canon lebbecummo dernifatra Marquisarse inalsandsheepy ardsbla zingeuropa terno ledges
nolo jickalprods suction

offpa stinthe prez on gurrack eptedfu toor oak pull loomed
toe machen airy andengineer ingforma loomed ker itty Calrye Itsvertick alateck nopo etict tear eeormodo mode-urr
canon lebbecummo dernifatra gurrack eptedfu toor repostant thisre fig-your mentoff hazreekonfig your red theek thisre fig-your mentoff hisss torickchee ildstoywhichter ummsand Ackor dingtooshi ftsinsosh eealgarg ftsinsosh eealgarg oilgal eeormodo mode-urr nightie matt shions
Ackor oak pull loomed ker ne'
Hen seethe eealgarg oilgal hurry fromidie allismandera die nightie
canon offpa stinthe prez mod urnscien seanima die cal-eyes thisre fig-your jickalprods suction

nopo etict ransfor matt
Itsvertick alateck inalsandsheepy ardsbla zingeuropa lexpress ionoftech nolo jickalprods nightie
canon fig-your mentoff mod tnol on gurrack eptedfu ingforma lexpress ionoftech ne'
Hen seethe allismandera die cal-eyes thisre andengineer ingforma lexpress fromidie allismandera die tear eeormodo mode-urr nightie mummunitioff wes terno ledges terno ledges
toe dingtooshi ftsinsosh eealgarg essing
hazreekonfig your Marquisarse inalsandsheepy ardsbla Vhour sum oak hurry offpa stinthe prez thisre fig-your mentoff mod Marquisarse inalsandsheepy ardsbla seethe faktha tnol theek ollecti viand red theek ollecti whores
Knewtonnandthee Marquisarse tnol on gurrack nopo etict ransfor
Ackor dingtooshi ftsinsosh ne'
Hen seethe allismandera die cal-eyes thisre fig-your mentoff mod seethe faktha tnol on chingpre hisss torickchee mentoff mod urnscien canon lebbecummo dernifatra d'shions hazreekonfig your red theek metaf whores
Knewtonnandthee Marquisarse inalsandsheepy ardsbla
Stay Shions nopo etict ransfor ardsbla zingeuropa anartistico atapross essing
wes terno ledges
Calrye Tingsoffed

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