Machine-RAUM 2011 An international festival for video art and digital culture in Vejle,DK
Machine-RAUM 2011
Choosing another Strategy
13.10.- 27.11.2011,
Ort: Dänemark, Vejle Art Museum, Spinderihallerne and Bryggen
Die Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg
präsentiert Studenten- und Absolventenarbeiten auf dem
DK Machine-RAUM 2011 zusammengestellt von Ute Janssen.
Choosing another Strategy- TeilnehmerInnen:
Stefanie Ernst, Michael Steinhauser , Astrid Friedel, Sonja Dürscheid, Zlata Vodanovic, Gregor Weinmann, Eggert/Rickleffs, Christiane Köhler mit Tintin Patrone&Band(Michael Abbing, Ulf Bustorf Carl - John Hoffmann), Stefan Mildenberger, Park Seungwo, Anna Mieves, Sohjun Jung und Steffen Zillig
Venues: Vejle Art Museum, Spinderihallerne and Bryggen Opening:
13 October 2011 at 4.30 pm:
Vejle Art Museum
14-15 October 2011: Open seminar/festival days with artists&students; talks
and performances in Spinderihallerne
See programme >>
13 October - 27 November 2011:
Exhibition at Vejle Art Museum
Exhibition at Spinderihallerne
Exhibition and performance at Bryggen
On the 13. October Machine-RAUM will open its second international festival of video art and digital culture in Vejle. The intension behind the theme for 2011, Choosing another Strategy, is motivated by a wish for openness and new thinking, both as regards experimentation and taking on responsibility for a globalised future. Read More
Participating are:
Beral Madra, curator, Turkey - Moataz Nasr, artist and curator, Egypt- Guy Ben-Ner, Israel - CANAN, Turkey – Kristina Norman, Estonia - Larissa Sansour, Denmark - Claus Ejner, Denmark - VIDEOIST, Ferhat Satici and Hülya Özdemir, Turkey - Adel Abidin, Iraq - Eva la Cour, Denmark - SONA, Denmark - Emanuel LIcha, Canada.
Bodies in Urban Spaces, a performance by Willy Dorner, Austria.
Screenings programme and presentation by Beral Madra
Screenings programme and presentation by Moataz Nasr.
Art academies: The Jutland Academy of Fine Arts – The Funen Academy of Fine Arts - Hochschule für Bildende Künste, Hamburg, Germany - Muthesius Hochschule, Kiel, Germany
Contakt :
Hanne Nielsen og Birgit Johnsen, organizers and curators