MachineRAUM – a biennale for video art and digital culture infosheet
MachineRAUM – a biennale for video art and digital culture.
In November 2007 a biennale:”Machine-RAUM – a biennale for video art and digital culture “will be take place for the first time in Vejle, which is situated in the south of Jutland in Denmark.
The biennale in 2007 will consist of an exhibition in Vejle Art Museum in about 1500 m2 and a additional exhibition space in a part of a Spinning factory. Some installations or works will have place in urban space as well.
The undersigned are curators (and artists) and together with KELLER Centre for Experimenting Art in Vejle, Quasar, and Vejle Art Museum we are developing Machine-RAUM- a biennale for video art and digital culture for the first time in Vejle DK. Machine-RAUM will become a recurrent event every second year, which is performed for the first time form 8 November to 28 November 2007. In 2007 the biennale will last for 3 festival days, exhibition for a month and some initiatives with events/ presentations in public settings. In 2007 the exhibition part will mainly be performed at Vejle Arts Museum and a minor part will take place in Spinning Mills in the centre of Vejle City.
In 2009 the biennale will expand, when the total area of the spinning factories will be renovated and 10000 m2 will be available. This will make it possible to set a focus in media installations, which in one way or the other include space as an important artistic factor.
In 2007 the biennale will focus on projection art and as the title of the biennale indicates on spatial works – In 2009 the field of presentation will increase and the biennale will in principle embraces al art involving machines and technology. It could concern video as well as film, software-based works, 3D works, sound works, works using communicative technology and works of more mechanical character. In 2009 it is the intention that more artists will be invited to make site-specific works in urban space.
As the name indicates, Machine-RAUM partly wishes to focus on spatial works and partly on the fact that the biennale in principle embraces al kinds of art involving machines and techniques. It could concern video as well as film, software based work, 3D works, sound works, works that make use of the computer based techniques and works of a more mechanical character. However , Machine-RAUM is also connected to the future location of the biennale – the spinning mill plants in Vejle – which accommodate several very exciting rooms with machines from the previous spinning mill, such as a kettle boiler room and the like. Finally the biennale attempts the same multi-ethnic and bilingual composition, Machine-RAUM, to signal a wish to embrace and give space for the multi cultural – across social, cultural and religious affiliations.
It is an essential part of the biennale to be a framework for meetings and exchange of experience between the artists, and we want to create environments to make the biennale a meeting place and window of artists of different social, ethnical, cultural and religious affiliations in Europe.
The artists, who are participating, will be invited to give a presentation of the works and their artistic practise.
Another level of the biennale is what we call the academy- level , where media students from art academies and design/ interactive media schools in –until now -Denmark, Germany and France are presenting, what they are doing and how they think the development of media art in a contemporary society.
Another target area will be to reconstruct co-operation with various festivals and cultural institutions in Europe.
The biennale addresses itself widely both to citizens in the region, artists and other professional people nationally as well as internationally, and at the same time it will also offer space to the experimenting and young art via involvement of arts academies nationally and internationally.
We hope that through its exhibition practice and the artist to artist meetings and presentations the biennale can be regarded as a laboratory, thus at the same time a place, where you can let art test new possibilities.
Cataloque: It’s the intention to accommodate the biennale with a catalogue in Danish, German and English.
A website will soon be active
We are looking forward to hear from you,
We enclose a short description of the intentions of the biennale and the artist invitation list for the time being.
Please don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions or remarks.
Yours sincerely
Hanne Nielsen and Birgit Johnsen
Artist and curators of the Machine-RAUM – a biennale for video art and digital culture.
The biennale is arranged by
Keller-Centre for Experimenting Art in the Idea-office in the Quasars framework, in co-operation with Vejle Arts Museum and BIZ-art/New Vejle Municipality.
Project manager: Lene Noer
Artistic curators: Hanne Nielsen and Birgit Johnsen
Coordinator and account manager: Elin Pedersen, New Vejle Municipality Business Development Council
The invitation list for the time being:
Assocreation- exhibition and presenting their art practice
Blast Theory - exhibition and presenting their art practice-
Julika Rudelius – exhibition and presenting her art practice -
Steve Mc Queen - exhibition
Andrea Zapp – exhibition and presenting her art practice-
Moataz Nasr – exhibition and presenting his art practice-
Juan Manuet Echavarria– exhibition and presentation-
Navinki home video– exhibition-
Löffler and Korpys – exhibition-
Infermental– exhibition-
Marianne Jørgensen– exhibition-
Harun Farocki– exhibition and presenting her art practice
Khaled Ramadan– exhibition
Anders Visti & Claus Ejner– exhibition-
Videoclub 99 a curated program from Hamburger Kunsthalle
A level with meetings and presentation from art academies:
The Danish Royal Art Academy in Copenhagen Denmark, The art academy of Jutland Denmark, The art academy of Fyn Denmark, The Art academy in Bourge, France, Hochschule für Bildende Künste Hamburg Germany, Designschule Kolding Denmark, Artlab Flensburg Germany.
Machine-RAUM´s vision:
To present video, media and interactive works at an international level with special focus on spatial works. Machine-RAUM wishes to explore the potentials in relation to human interactions and dialogue of the video and the digital art.
To present works of importance for its contemporaries across social, ethnical, cultural and religious affiliations throughout Europe.
To form the meeting place and window for artists of different social, ethnical, cultural and religious affiliations throughout Europe
To be visible in the local area and to act as a providing initiative between video, digital culture and the regional citizens. The biennale wishes to create the frames for the business community, schools and educational institutions of the area in order to gain knoawledge of media art and to experience it.
To extend collaboration and establish networks to the South for cultural institutions, festivals and media schools in North Germany and Europe as an expansions of the natural behavior and self understanding of the region – thus it is important to understand the cultural context in which you find yourself and to develop an understanding for the nearest neighboring cultures.
The biennale addresses itself widely both to citizens in the region, artists and other professional people nationally as well as internationally, and at the same time it will also offer space to the experimenting and young art via involvement of arts academies nationally and internationally.
We hope that through its exhibition practice and the artist to artist meetings and presentations the biennale can be regarded as a laboratory, thus at the same time a place, where you can let art test new possibilities.