I just "created" my page in this swiki thing. It is always so difficult and dislocated to talk about work in this way...the formality (and vagueness) of the statement, and the deceiving photos, seem to have very little with the idea of artistic sharing... I guess the gesture of being in touch is the most relevant/artistic here, or the gesture of putting a bit of what surrounds us in this pool of nobody-ness. In that sense it would be just as relevant to mention that the plant by my window takes 4 exact days to swing from one side to the other in a new stretch for the sun after I turn the pot (not in search for straightness, but in search for dance).
I've always given a lot of thought to that which we call communication . The internet might be considered, up to now, the highest peak of the technical infrastructure that deals with our messages, meanings, and in general, languages. In that sense it's interesting you brought out that concept: "nobody-ness". I say so because sometimes I feel that same loneliness in the middle of a (real-physical) group conversation. The numerical codes through which our words are read right now might sometimes get rid of all (eventhough bytes are made of something :S) the matter to make relations, meanings, processes, and communications far more honest and essential than what they manytimes are from this side of the screen (the tactile). For example, the fact that this space, supposedly a space to construct and build a map to start a meeting process, is up to now a little misused, empty, untoched says a lot; Be it that we are to occupied with our common day living, that we can't handle so well the language used for the swiki, or that we just have forgotten. I think it's really pleasant to think a little bit of this simulated-space of encounter (because we are actually never encountering) as a place where thoughts can float almost independently, crashing, accumulating, fighting with others in a way in which meanings and words can gain much more strenght and power as they are somehow liberated from our ourselves (eventhough they represent us).
As the movemente of the plant near your window, I like to think of the construction of meaning and sense as an almost imperceptible displacement of thought induced by light, energy, a will to move.
wednesday 09-11-05 4 pm, bogotá. i saw news with a friend about france this early afternoon. i took this accident picture some time ago, and i wanted to share it with all of you. i take pictures as a medium of watch and think the world i´m living and building, if is possible name it in that terms.
tuesday 10-11-05 1:23 pm, bogotá. i´ve been thinking in the experience of contact with other people through this medium, we can start to upload images of our routine(s) (visual, audio, texts) just trying to get some kind of contact. or try to ask some of these questions: what were you doing one hour, day, minute, year, week, month, decade ago?, what are you listening in this moment?, are you with someone else? (yes/no why?)
i´m reading "regreso de conejo" - "rabbit redux" a john updike´s book. i finished three weeks ago the reading of dennis cooper book "dream police: selected poems 69 -93" that book makes me put my feet on the ground again, even if everyday im getting lost.
now im listening peaches with iggy pop, i´m alone in this room, it´s a white cube aprox(3x3x3mts) it´s a cold and bored room in the first floor of a mid-century building.
I just came out of the university. It was closed due to a reform. It's raining. I'm sad. last night I drank a lot of beer, and today I woke up feeling a lot more empty. In a few minutes I have to stand up and go to work with some children who live in a very deteriorated building (residencias 10 de mayo) that want to make a movie. The thought of this motivates me to get through the day. I hope it stops raining.
friday 11 11 05 12:29 pm.
i´m listening bowie
can we tend a bridge(sounds, images, etc) between us?
thursday 15 11 05 1:13 pm, bogotá.
it´s raining, but this is a picture of a sunny day in a block called islandia.
bogotá, martes noviembre 22, 28 minutos después de mediodía.
el azar construye esta escultura...
personal exercise
bogotá 15 12 05 10:38 am.
this is a personal register of a conversation between the members of bogota that took place 7 or 8 weeks ago.
This is an aereal view of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
The picture was surely taken some decades ago...the place has changed a lot since then...nevertheless I don't look to things or places from above very often so I can't really tell if it looks a lot more different than this at the moment....
1. un bate y una pelota cuestan uan cantidad total de 1.10 dólares. El bate cuesta un dolar más que la pelota. ¿cúanto cuesta la pelota?
2. si les toma a 5 máquinas 5 minutos para producir 5 artículos, ¿cuánto les tomará a 100 màquinas producir 100 artículos?
3. en un lago, hay un área de hojas de nenúfar. todos los días, el área duplica su tamaño. si toma 48 días para que el lago quede totalmente cubierto, ¿cuánto tomaría para que el área cubra la mitad del lago?