I like to think that my work is focused on the body. I am mostly interested in the body that happens in a web of spaces, references and dynamics that can be triggered in many different ways.
Being trained as a composer, I enjoy looking at musical paraphernalia and its codes, and trying to find bodies behind it all. i’m also very interested in the way we extend to other objects be them musical instruments, machines, texts or technological devices in a prosthetic attempt to be seen and heard.
In my instrumental pieces I use graphic notation so as to indicate, not the sounding outcome, but the physical actions in relationship to the instrumentthat, giving way to a variety of textures and visual/aural narratives.
My theatrical/physicality work collects various refrents such as popular music and electroacustic composition in complicity with various images of the body and its vulnerabilities.
I am also very interested in questioning and stressing sound as docuemnt. Lately I am working on the installation of small "encapsulated" pieces based on documented conversations that, in turn, incite dialogue with other resources such as video, text, animation, and electronic devices. I am interested in using sound, and its radiophonic legacy, in an attempt to produce a cinematic experience -defined in my work as a particular intimacy and romanticism constructed between audience and piece-.