The default Open Sound Control address space.

An OSCInPort responds to the following addresses by default, in addition
to whatever is defined by the oscNode instance variable.  The default address
space begins with "/sc", and is reserved by SuperCollider for future expansion.
The default address space is defined in the OSCNode class method named *default
except for the /sc/midi subtree which is hard coded into SuperCollider.



Calls the Main::run method.


Stops synthesis.

"/sc/post", ...args

Posts all arguments separated by spaces and terminated by a newline.

"/sc/postln", ...args

Posts all arguments, each on a separate line.

Subtree: /sc/interpreter

"/sc/interpreter/set", varName, value

Set the value of one of the interpreter variables 'a' - 'z'.
varName - a Symbol which is the name of the variable.
value - a value for the variable.


Set the value of all of the interpreter variables 'a' - 'z' to nil.

"/sc/interpreter/executeFile", pathName

Compile and execute a file containing SuperCollider code. Compiler is disabled in SCPlay.
pathName - a String representing the path name of the file on the remote machine.

"/sc/interpreter/run", password, string

Compile and execute a String containing SuperCollider code. Compiler is disabled in SCPlay.
password - a Symbol that must match the OSCNode class variable password on the remote machine.
If the password on the remote machine is nil, then this method is disabled.
string - a String containing SuperCollider code. Must not exceed the maximum packet size.

Subtree: /sc/obj

"/sc/obj/perform", id, selector ... args

Perform a method on an object in the ObjectTable.
id - an id of an object in the ObjectTable. Should be either an Integer or a Symbol.
selector - a Symbol which is the name of a method to perform.
...args - a list of argument for the method.

port.send("/sc/obj/perform", 37, \transform, 123.4);

Subtree: /sc/library

"/sc/library/choose", names

Choose an item from the Lib menu.
names - an Array of Symbols to access the Library.

port.send("/sc/library/choose", ['Play', 'analog daze']);

"/sc/library/perform", names, selector ... args

Perform a method on an object in the Library.
names - an Array of Symbols to access the Library.
...args - a list of argument for the method.

port.send("/sc/library/perform", ['Wavetables', 'sine'], \reverse);

Subtree: /sc/sound

"/sc/sound/play", pathName, duration, loop

Play a SoundFile from disk.
pathName - a String representing the path name of the file on the remote machine.
duration - how long to play. If nil, then plays to the end. Default is nil.
loop - a Boolean whether to loop. Default is false.

Subtree: /sc/mixer

"/sc/mixer/volume", channel, volume

Sets the volume for a channel of the mixer.
channel - a channel number from 1 to the maximum number of channels.

"/sc/mixer/copy", channel

Copies that channel of the mixer to a free channel.
channel - a channel number from 1 to the maximum number of channels.

"/sc/mixer/stop", channel

Kills that channel of the mixer.
channel - a channel number from 1 to the maximum number of channels.


Close the Mixer window.

Subtree: /sc/midi

This subtree is built into the SuperCollider program, it is not implemented using OSCNodes.

Subtree: /sc/midi/in

The remote system responds as if it received this data as MIDI input.
All arguments are Integers.

"/sc/midi/in/control", port, channel, controller, value

MIDI controller input.

"/sc/midi/in/bend", port, channel, value

MIDI pitch bend.

"/sc/midi/in/program", port, channel, program

MIDI program change.

"/sc/midi/in/touch", port, channel, value

MIDI channel pressure.

"/sc/midi/in/polyTouch", port, channel, key, value

MIDI poly key pressure.

"/sc/midi/in/noteOn", port, channel, key, velocity

MIDI note on.

"/sc/midi/in/noteOff", port, channel, key, velocity

MIDI note off.

"/sc/midi/in/allNotesOff", port, channel

MIDI all notes off.

Subtree: /sc/midi/out

The remote system sends this data as MIDI output to OMS.
All arguments are Integers.

"/sc/midi/out/control", port, channel, controller, value

MIDI controller input.

"/sc/midi/out/bend", port, channel, value

MIDI pitch bend.

"/sc/midi/out/program", port, channel, program

MIDI program change.

"/sc/midi/out/touch", port, channel, value

MIDI channel pressure.

"/sc/midi/out/polyTouch", port, channel, key, value

"/sc/midi/out/noteOn", port, channel, key, velocity

MIDI note on.

"/sc/midi/out/noteOff", port, channel, key, velocity

MIDI note off.

"/sc/midi/out/allNotesOff", port, channel

MIDI all notes off controller 123.

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