Open Sound Control (OSC) is a protocol for sending control infomation across
a network.
Using OSC in SuperCollider involves four classes. See their help files
for more information.
OSCNode, OSCPort,
OSCInPort, OSCOutPort
See also : [default OSC address space] [OSC message binary format].
Here's a short example. There are some more examples in the Examples folder
in the file
"Open Sound Control examples".
// on the receiving machine
var nodes, freqRef;
freqRef =;
OSCPort.closeAll; // close any open ports.
// create an address space for the port.
nodes = OSCNode.tree([
[\freq, { arg node, freq;
freqRef.value = freq;
[\start, { arg node;
{, 0, 0.2) }.play
// open an input port
OSCInPort(57123, nodes);
// on the sending machine
var hostname;
hostname = ""; // set this to the address of the receiving
// open output port
z = OSCOutPort(57123, hostname);
// execute these one at a time on the sending machine
z.send("/freq", 1200);
z.send("/freq", 700);
z.send("/freq", 800);
z.send("#bundle", 0, [["/freq", 900],["/start"]]);
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