ArrayNDPattern Superclass: Pattern ArrayNDPattern is a Pattern that operates on a multidimensional Array (ArrayND). You would need to get a version of for this to work. This class does in N dimensions what ListPattern does in 1. In a sence ListPattern is a 'subclass' of ArrayNDPattern if N turns out to be 1. Here is almost a copy of what you would find in the [Streams-Patterns-Events 3] documenation: ArrayNDPatterns are Patterns that iterate over arrays of objects in some fashion. All ArrayNDPatterns have in common the instance variables arrayND and repeats. The arrayND variable is some Array to be iterated over. The repeats variable is some measure of the number of times to do something, whose meaning varies from subclass to subclass. The default value for repeats is 1. By the way: Most of the basic ListPatterns can deal with ArraNDs as list argument. Pseq, Pser, Prand, Pxrand and Pshuf treat the ArraND supplied as list argument as a flattend 1-d Array and operate on it like this.